Learning environment setup for AngularJS tutorial
- 2020-03-30 04:32:01
- OfStack
A good way to learn AngularJS is to step through this tutorial, which will guide you through building a complete AngularJS web application. The web application is a directory list of Android device listings, which you can filter to see the devices you're interested in, and then see the device details.
This tutorial will show you how AngularJS can make web applications smarter and more flexible without the need for various extensions or plug-ins. Through this tutorial, you will:
1. Read the examples to learn how to use AngularJS's client-side data binding and dependency injection capabilities to create dynamic views of data that are immediately responsive to user actions.
2. Learn how to create a data listener using AngularJS without DOM manipulation.
3. Learn a better and easier way to test your web application.
4. Learn how to use AngularJS to create common web tasks, such as bringing data into an application more easily.
And it can be done in any browser, no browser configuration required!
When you complete this tutorial, you will learn:
1. Create a dynamic application that works in any browser.
2. Understand the differences between AngularJS and other JavaScript frameworks.
3. Learn how AngularJS implements data binding.
4. Use AngularJS 'seed project to quickly create your own project.
5. Create and run tests.
6. Learn more about AngularJS identity resources (apis).
This tutorial will guide you through a simple application creation process, including writing and running unit tests and testing the application continuously. Each step of the tutorial provides Suggestions for you to learn more about AngularJS and the web application you create. You may be able to finish this tutorial quickly, or you may need to spend a lot of time digging into it. If you want to see a short introduction to AngularJS, check out the fast start [Getting Started] document.
Building a learning environment
You can follow this tutorial to learn to program in any Mac, Linux, or Windows environment. You can use the source control version control system Git to get the source code for this tutorial project, or directly download the tutorial project source code files from the web archive archive archive archive.
1. You need to install node. js and Testacular to run this project. Please download and install the latest version from the official website of node. js, and then add the PATH of Node executable program to the system environment variable PATH.
node -version
To install the Testacular unit test program, run the following command:
npm install -g testacular
2. Install Git tools and then copy the source code for this tutorial project from Github with the following command:
git clone git://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat.git
You can also directly from the Internet (link: https://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat) a mirror image of the zip file. This command creates a new angular-phonecat folder in your current folder.
The last thing to do is to make sure your computer has a web browser and a text editor installed.
4. Enter the tutorial source code package angular-phonecat, run the server daemon, and start learning AngularJS!
cd angular-phonecat
node scripts/web-server.js