Example explains the difference between this and $of this in JQuery

  • 2020-03-30 04:31:17
  • OfStack

This is rarely used in jquery. When I looked at the code, I found it was used, so I debugged the value of this, thinking that's why. It's useful. Here is a summary of the difference and use of this and $(this).

What does $(this) generate?

What does $() generate? In fact, $()=jquery(), which means that a jquery object is returned.

Usually we use $() directly for simplicity. In fact, the function omits a parameter context. The matching object, $(selector, context), is selected from the selector and returned as a jQuery wrapper set.

The context can be a collection of Dom objects or a jQuery wrapper set, passed in to indicate that a matching object is to be selected from the context, and not passed in to indicate that the scope is a document object (that is, all the objects of the page), that is, $(selector)=$(selector,document).

This is the HTML object that calls the function.


  function() {  
       this.title = "Test";  
  fucntion() {  
      this.title = "OK " ;  

This is actually an Html element (textbox), this is in js. Textbox has a text property, so there's nothing wrong with that.

       function() {  
   $(this).title = "Test";  
       function() {  
   $(this).title = "OK";  

The $(this) here is a JQuery object, and the JQuery object has a title property, so this is an error.


This indicates that the current context object is an HTML object that can call the properties and methods owned by the HTML object.
$(this), the context object that represents a jquery context object, can call jquery methods and property values.

Example (TAB) :

tabs($("#nav a"), $(".content")); 
function tabs(tab, content){
  var index = tab.index(this);
  content.eq(index).animate({opacity:'show'}, 200);

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