Jquery plugins recommend jquery.cookie
- 2020-03-30 04:16:48
- OfStack
Comprehensive overview
Handling cookies with native JavaScript is a headache, and jQuery itself doesn't have a function for handling cookies,
However, this extremely small (approximately 500 bytes compressed) jquery plug-in can be used to handle the read, write, and delete of cookies.
IE6+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Frame dependence
Dependency framework: jQuery1.0+
Used to introduce
1. Cookie is created by the $.cookie. Write method. The sample code is as follows:
$.cookie. Write ('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', 24 * 60 * 60);
2. The cookie is read by the $.cookie. Read method. The sample code is as follows:
$. Cookies. Read (' cookie_name)
3. Delete the cookie through the $.cookie. Destory method.
$. Cookies. Destroy (' cookie_name)
Download link
(link: https://github.com/stefangabos/Zebra_Cookie/)
Authorization information
License type: LGPL
Authorization type information: (link: https://github.com/stefangabos/Zebra_Cookie/blob/master/license.txt)
Change log
(link: http://stefangabos.ro/jquery/zebra-cookie/#changelog)
Other supplementary
A very good plug-in, worth recommending