Confirm in js implements the method of popping up the confirmation box before performing the operation

  • 2020-03-30 04:15:41
  • OfStack

The example in this article describes the method of pop-up confirmation box before the confirmation implementation in js. Share with you for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

Now there are many ways to pop up a confirmation prompt before deleting or doing anything else. The most basic one is to use the built-in confirmation function of js

The simplest usage is as follows:

Confirm for mouse events

<a href="#" onclick= "if(confirm( ' Are you sure?  ')==false)return   false; "> Click ok </a>

Think of a simple call   You can do that

<a href="#" onclick= "return confirm(' Whether or not sure ');"> Click ok </a>

After clicking the hyperlink, if you click ok, you go to the address to which the hyperlink is connected. If you click cancel do not execute the hyperlink

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> 
function confirmAct()
    if(confirm(' Are you sure you want to do this ?'))
        return true;
    return false;
<a href="operate.php?mod=user&act=delete&id=564" onclick="return confirmAct();"> Perform operations </a>

Onclick ="return confirmAct();" Add the code

<span onclick="return confirmAct();"> Click and I'll try </span>

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