JavaScript indexed array associative array and static array dynamic array

  • 2020-03-30 04:14:02
  • OfStack

Array classification:

1, from the index of the array into the index array, associative array

var ary1 = [1,3,5,8];

//An index is really just an ordinal number, an integer number

var ary2 = {};
//When accessed, it is accessed as a non-ordinal number (number), in this case a string
ary2["one"] = 1;
ary2["two"] = 2;
ary2["thr"]  = 3;
ary2["fou"] = 4;

2. The storage of data is divided into static array and dynamic array

//Static array
in Java //After the definition of the length of the array fixed can not be changed, according to the index of the array element
Int[] ary1 = {1,3,6,9};
//Dynamic array in Java
//The ArrayList implementation in Java is based on an Array, and dynamic arrays are generalized, no matter how they are implemented. < br / > List<Integer> ary2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ary2.add(1);//Elements can be added dynamically, and the length of the array varies with

var ary = [];//Defines an array with an unspecified length
ary[0] = 1;//
can be added dynamically ary.push(3);
alert(ary.join(","));//Output 1,3,5 < br / >

Js array belongs to both indexed array and dynamic array, because it is essentially a js object, which embodies the dynamic language of js. However, the indexed array of js is not "continuously allocated" memory, so indexing is not very efficient. Arrays in Java allocate memory sequentially.

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