Mouse hover display secondary menu effect jquery implementation

  • 2020-03-30 04:13:32
  • OfStack

1. The layout:

<div class="show"> 
<img src="~/images/head_icon.png" /> 

<div class="drop" style=" display:none; z-index:80000" id="profileMenu"> 
<a class="pass" style="cursor: pointer" 
<span> Change the password </span> 
<a class="quit" style="cursor: pointer" 
><span> exit </span></a> 

2. Js control:

function dropMenu(obj) { 
$(obj).each(function () { 
var theSpan = $(this); 
var theMenu = theSpan.find(".drop"); 
var tarHeight = theMenu.height(); 
theMenu.css({ height: 0, opacity: 0 }); 

var t1; 

function expand() { 
theMenu.stop().show().animate({ height: tarHeight, opacity: 1 }, 200); 

function collapse() { 
t1 = setTimeout(function () { 
// theSpan.find('a').removeClass("selected"); 
theMenu.stop().animate({ height: 0, opacity: 0 }, 200, function () { 
$(this).css({ display: "none" }); 
}, 250); 

theSpan.hover(expand, collapse); 
theMenu.hover(expand, collapse); 

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