JavaScript link method primer example (add hyperlinks to strings)
- 2020-03-30 04:08:56
- OfStack
The link method returns the (italic) string defined using the HTML a tag attribute. The syntax is as follows: url )
Parameter description:
parameter | instructions |
str_object | String (object) to manipulate |
url | A necessity. String to link URL Address, full format. |
Note: this method does not conform to ECMA standards and is not recommended.
Link method example
<script language="JavaScript">
var str = "";
document.write( "//" ) );
Run the example and output:
Tip: this method returns a hyperlink string defined using an HTML a tag, meaning that you cannot directly change a string to a hyperlink string using this method. If you want to dynamically change the element font to a hyperlink string, you can refer to the following example to extend the link method:
Change page element font to hyperlink
<script language="JavaScript">
function addUrl( obj ){
obj.innerHTML = "//" );
<p ondblclick="addUrl(this);">
In this example, you can add a hyperlink to the string by double-clicking.