Js clicks the button to jump to another new page
- 2020-03-30 04:05:38
- OfStack
Click the button how to jump to another page? We may need it in website production, because sometimes we need to do this, especially when we make a button into a picture, and click on the picture to go to a new page, how do we do it?
This effect can be achieved by: onclick="window.location=' new page '".
1. Jump directly from the original form
The following code
Window.location.href =" the page you want to go to ";
2. Open the page in the new form with:
The following code
Window.open (' the page you want to go to ');
Window. The history. The back (1); Go back to the previous page
The following code
< Input type="submit" name=" submit" value=" agree "onclick=window.open(//www.jb51.net/)>
What do I do if I want to verify that the input is filled in when I click the button to submit? When the user name input or other is empty, click the button not to submit, you can do as follows.
The following code
<input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="open()">
<script language=javascript>
fuction open(){
if(!document.form_name.username.value) {
alert(" Please enter user name! "); document.form_name.username.focus(); return false;
}else document.form_name.action="aaa.htm";
So, when the value is empty, clicking the button still won't jump to another page? That's it.
JS jump page reference code
The following code
The first:
< Script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript" >
Window. The location. Href = "login. JSP & # 63; Backurl = "+ window. The location. Href;
< / script>
The second:
< Script language = "javascript" >
Alert (" return ");
Window. The history. The back (1);
< / script>
The third:
< Script language = "javascript" >
Window. Navigate (" top. JSP ");
< / script>
< Script language = "JavaScript" >
The self. The location = 'top. HTM';
< / script>
< Script language = "javascript" >
Alert (" illegal access!" );
Top. Location = 'xx. JSP;
< / script>
= = = = = javascript pops up a selection box to jump to another page = = = = =
<script language="javascript">
function logout()...{
if (confirm(" Are you sure you want to lose your identity? Yes - select yes, no - Select cancel "))...{
= = = = = = javascript prompt box to jump to another page = = = = =
<script language="javascript">
function logout()...{
alert(" Are you sure you want to lose your identity? ");