Jquery $.getjson in IE under the cache problem solution

  • 2020-03-30 04:05:35
  • OfStack

At work, the data of the home page implementation Ztree Ztree is the JSON object returned in the background

Because the tree is fixed every time the tree is refreshed

The url for $.getjson is the same thing and I change or add a tree node and then refresh the tree IE and it doesn't change at all on other browsers

That's got me tangled up

Then I searched the Internet and found the solution


Jquery's $.getjson request has a caching mechanism that when requesting the same URL in the background it will fetch the data directly from the page cache rather than the request background

So we're going to change a URL

This is our URL, var URL = "XXXX/XXX"

Now let's do a method to generate random Numbers

function GetRandomNum(Min,Max)
var Range = Max - Min;
var Rand = Math.random();
return(Min + Math.round(Rand * Range));

And then change our URL

var i=GetRandomNum(1,100);
url=url+ " &random= " +i;

And then you plug in the URl and you solve the problem

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