Operators on the basis of JavaScript

  • 2021-12-05 05:31:31
  • OfStack

Catalog 1. Operator summary

1. Operators

Operators (operator), also known as operators, are symbols used to perform functions such as assignment, comparison and arithmetic operations.

Commonly used operators in JavaScript are:

Arithmetic operators (+,-, *,/,%) Increment and decrement operators (+ + num, num + +,--num, num--) Comparison operator Logical operator Assignment operator

Assignment operation:

var a = 1;   // Put the value on the right into the variable on the left 

Comparison operation:

Comparison operation-refers to the size comparison of numbers: > < > = < = The result of comparison operation 1 must be a Boolean value

Logical operations:

Logical operation symbol: & & (And) (or)! Non/inverse & & Sum is used to connect two conditions-to form a large condition judgment result

Self-increasing and self-decreasing operation:

+ + Self-increasing symbol

When the + + symbol touches the output, the symbol is behind, and then the + + is last, and the output is first

console.log( a++ );

When the + + symbol hits the output, the symbol comes first, then the + + is carried out first, and then the output


The minus sign is the same

-Self-subtracting symbol


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