Page unresponsive problem resolution record with window. print of in React

  • 2021-12-05 05:12:43
  • OfStack

Catalogue 1. Problem background: 2. Problem cause: 3. Problem solution: Summary:

1. Background of the issue:


After reading the Internet, many methods are used window.location.reload() Of course, refreshing the page can solve this problem, but it is not advanced

2. Causes of the problem:

document may have been operated but not destroyed (it may be)

3. Problem solving:

document of elimination operation


// The method parameter  content Elements to Print 
printFun = (content) =>{
        var Window ="", " Page printing ", "toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no");
        var style = "<style type='text/css'></style>";
        Window.document.write(content + style);
        Window.document.close();     // Shut down document Output stream of ,  Display selected data 
        Window.print();               // Print the current window 
        return Window;

Method invocation: billDetails是你当前想要打印的元素的 id,当然只要是能找到该元素,其他方法都可以

var windows = this.print(document.getElementById('billDetails').innerHTML);


If there is a style problem, you need to add css to your code, that is, printFun Method in the style Variable, you need to make your own requirements changes

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