Javascript basic knowledge (iii) BOM DOM summary
- 2020-03-30 04:03:13
- OfStack
The window object:
Open and close Windows:
Window. The open ()
Three parameters: 1. The URL of the page that loads the new window
2. The name of the new window
3. Property string and Boolean value indicating whether to replace the currently loaded page with the newly loaded page.
Window. The close ()
System dialog box:
1. The alert (" hello world!" );
2. Confirm (" Are you sure the & # 63;" ); - option
3. Prompt (" is your name prompt?" , "");
The time interval
SetTimeout (" alert (' hello world! ')",3000) execute hello world only once every 3 seconds
SetInterval ("alert('hello world')".3000) executes every 3 seconds
Window. history.go(-1) back to the previous page
Window.history.back to the previous page
Window. history.go(1) forward one page
Window. history. Forward a page
Window.history.length queries to see the number of pages in history
The document object:
Document.links [0] access links
Document.images [0] or document.images["imgHome"] access the image
Document.forms [0] or document.forms["frmSubscribe"] access forms
Location object
Href: the full URL of the currently loaded page
The most important nodes in the DOM:
1. Element node (Elenment);
2. Attributes;
3. Text node (Text);
4. Comment node (Comment);
Common methods for all types of nodes:
Looking for:
NodeName: nodeName
NodeValue: the value of the node (mainly for text nodes, returns null if it is an element node)
NodeType: the type of node
-leonard: "firstChild.
LastChild: second son * * * * *
ChildNodes: all childNodes *****(two ways)////
PreviousSibling: points to a previousSibling (sibling **);
NextSibling: point to the nextSibling (sibling **);
Attributes: an Attr object that contains the attributes of a represented Element and is used only for the Element node
AppendChild: add a new node at the end
RemoveChild: remove a node
ReplaceChild: replace
The insertBefore: in... Add a node earlier
CreateElement: creates an element node
CreateTextNode: creates a text node
CloneNode: copies a node True (depth replication)false(shallow replication)
Access the specified node:
GetElementById: finds the specified Id;
GetElementsByTagName: finds the type of the specified element (in the form of an array);
GetElementsName: finds the Name of the specified element;
Property search, change, set:
GetArrtibute: search for properties;
SetArrtibute: a change of attribute For example: setArribute(class, red) the first parameter is to change the class, the second parameter is set to red;
RemoveAttibute: remove attributes;
Overwrite, add the value of the text: