Summary of native methods for getting styles in JavaScript

  • 2020-03-30 04:02:23
  • OfStack

Ps: get style, not set style. If no style value is set for the element, the default value given by the browser is returned. (forum arrangement)

1, the element. Style: Can only get the style value written in the style attribute of the element tag, cannot get the style value defined in < Style> < / style> And through < The link href = "CSS. CSS >" The style properties loaded in

var ele = document.getElementById('ele');;    //Gets the color

3, element. CurrentStyle: IE special, return is the element currently applied to the final CSS attribute value (including the outer chain CSS file, embedded in the page < Style> Properties, etc.).

var ele = document.getElementById('ele');
var styles = ele.currentStyle;

Note: for synthetic properties such as border, ie returns undefined, other browsers either return a value or not, but a property such as borderLeftWidth returns a value

The following get style methods are compatible with IE, chrome, FireFox, and more

function getStyle(ele) {
     var style = null;
    if(window.getComputedStyle) {
         style = window.getComputedStyle(ele, null);
         style = ele.currentStyle;
    return style;

In JQuery, CSS () is commonly used to get style properties, and its underlying operation applies getComputedStyle and getPropertyValue methods.

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