Detailed Explanation of JavaScript ES6 Module Module

  • 2021-11-29 23:00:10
  • OfStack

Directory 0. What is Module1. Module Load 1.1 Mode 11.2 Mode 22. Export and Import 2.1 Exports of 1 modules can be imported by other modules and accessed. 2.2 If you don't export, you can also import it. 2.3 The imported code will be executed once, and only once. 3. Summary of considerations for export default and corresponding import4.export and corresponding import5.Module

0. What is Module

Historically, JavaScript 1 has no module (module) system, so it is impossible to split a large program into small files that depend on each other and then assemble them with simple methods. Other languages have this function, such as require of Ruby, import of Python, and even CSS has @ import, but JavaScript has no support in this area, which poses a huge obstacle to the development of large and complex projects.

Before ES6, the community worked out a number of module loading schemes, the most important of which were CommonJS and AMD. The design idea of ES6 module is as static as possible, so that the dependencies of modules and input and output variables can be determined at compile time. The ES6 module is not an object, but the output code is explicitly specified by the export command, and then input by the import command.

The main problems solved by the module system are as follows:

The problem of modularization Eliminate global variables Manage Load Sequence

1. Loading of Module

Use < script > Tag loading module needs to add type = "module".

1.1 Mode 1

<script type="module">
    import module from "./module.js";

1.2 Mode 2

<script src="./module.js" type="module"></script>

2. Export and Import

2.1 Exports of 1 modules can be imported and accessed by other modules.

Example 1: Use About. js to call the Base object within Base. js and print it on the front page.


<script type="module">
    import About from "./js/About.js";


const Base = {
    nick: 'admin',
    age: 19
export default Base;


import Base from '../js/Base.js';
const src = `nick:${Base.nick},age:${Base.age}.`;
export default src;



2.2 You can import it if you don't export it

Example 2: About. js does not export, but imports it on the home page.


<script type="module">
    import "./js/About.js";


const src = 'Hello World!';


Hello World!

2.3 The imported code will be executed once, and only once

Example 3: Import About. js three times and observe the export results.


<script type="module">
    import "./js/About.js";
    import "./js/About.js";
    import "./js/About.js";


const src = 'Hello World!';


Hello World!

3. export default and corresponding import

export default is used to export 1 default value, only 1 per module.

When exporting using export default, the name of import is optional.

Example 4: Use export default for export, and the name of import is arbitrary.


<script src="./module.js" type="module"></script>


<script src="./module.js" type="module"></script>


Hello World!

4. export and corresponding import

When exporting with export, the name of import cannot be given at will.

Example 5: Export using export.


<script src="./module.js" type="module"></script>


const age = 18;
export {age};
// export age;  × 
// export const age = 18;  Tick 
export const nick = 'admin';


admin 18

5. Considerations for Module

1. In the module, the top this points to undefined;;

2import has a lifting effect, which will be lifted to the head of the whole module and take the lead in execution;

3. When import executes, the code has not yet been executed;

4. import and export can only be executed at the top level of the module and cannot be executed in a code block;

5. import () can be imported conditionally;

6. Exported by compound writing and cannot be used in the current module

Compound writing, import and export:

<script src="./module.js" type="module"></script>


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