Vue 2.0 Basic Details

  • 2021-11-29 22:50:54
  • OfStack

Directory 1, Features 2. Example 3, Option Options4, Basic Syntax 5, Lifecycle 6, Route Management Vue-Router6.1 Route Configuration
6.2 Routing Jump 6.3 Routing Guard 7, Status Manager Vuex7.1 Configuration 8, 5 Core Attributes 9, Http Request Library Axios

1. Characteristics

Is an MVVM framework

Derived from MVC architecture, it is divided into View (view layer), ViewModel (data view layer) and Model (data layer). The most iconic feature of MVVM is data binding, which realizes data-driven view and view synchronization of data.

Data is also unidirectional, which is called unidirectional data flow

Data is always passed from the parent component to the child component, and the child component does not have the right (not recommended) to modify the data in the parent component directly.

Incompatible with ie8 and browsers below

The responsive formula utilizes Object. defineProperty of es5, which does not support IE8

2. Examples

// Vue Single page instance 
     Label ...
    export default {
      data () {},
      methods: {},
      computed: {},
      watch: {}
     Style ...

3. Option Options


Function to define data for a page

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2


Object, computed property, used to simplify complex logic processing

//  Calculated attributes do not accept parameters, and will cache dependent data, which must have return
computed : {
    doubleCount: function () {
      return this.count *= 2

//  Use 
this.doubleCount // 4


Object that defines the functions of the page

methods: {
    cLog(msg) {

//  Use 
this.cLog(' The function was called ') //  Console output: Function called 


Object and attribute listening, which is used to listen to the change of some data and make corresponding operations

watch: {
    count(value, [oldValue]) {
        // value The changed value  
        this.copyCount = value + 1

//  When count Automatically triggered when a change occurs 
this.count = 2
this.copyCount // 3


Object to register the component to the page

import UploadImg from 'xxxx'

components: { UploadImg }

// template

4. Basic grammar

Commonly used instructions

v-html Render HTML

v-if Judge syntax, control show/hide, control by whether to render DOM or not

v-show Control show/hide, similar to v-if, but v-show is controlled by display property

v-model Bi-directional data binding, 1 generic for forms, default binding value property

v-bind :

Abbreviation: class Used for dynamic attribute binding

v-on :

Abbreviation @ click Used for event binding

v-for Traversal syntax that supports arrays, objects, and strings

5. Life cycle

beforeCreated Creating an Vue object

created data initialization, at which time you can do some pre-operation on the instance

beforeMounted el and data initialization

v-if0 Mount el and data, at which point the http request can be invoked

beforeUpdated Before updating DOM, you can change the state in one step without triggering the re-rendering process

updated : Update the modified virtual DOM to the page. Avoid changing operations at this time, so as not to cause infinite loop updates

beforeDestory Before the page is destroyed, you can do some reset operations at this time, such as clearing the timer and dom events, etc.

destoryed The page is destroyed, the Vue instance has been deleted, and all operations are invalid

6. Routing management Vue-Router

Official routing manager. It is deeply integrated with the core of Vue. js, making it easy to build single-page applications.

6.1 Routing Configuration

// NPM Download 
npm install vue-router
// router.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'

//  Define Page Routing (Path, Component) 
export default new Router({
    { path: '/foo', component: () => import('/pages/foo') }, //  Lazy loading of routing components 
    { path: '/bar', component: '/pages/bar'}
// main.js
import router from './router.js'
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  router, //  Mount routing to Vue Instances 
  render: h => h(App)

// page.vue
<!--  We should focus on distinguishing the relationship between the two  -->
this.$router //  Access router, built-in push , replace Routing method of 
this.$route //  Access the current route, built-in path , query Equal routing properties 
// app.vue
<!--  The component to which the route matches will be rendered here  -->

6.2 Routing Jump

Declarative routing

<router-link :to="...">
<router-link :to="..." replace>

Programmed routing

this.$router.push({ path: 'register', query: { plan: 'private' }})
this.$router.replace(...)   //  And push The difference is not inserting history Record 
this.$router.go( [Number] n )   //  In  history  How many steps forward or backward in the record 

//  It is recommended to use it first when routing parameters carry Chinese encodeURLComponent Transcode to avoid displaying garbled codes. 

6.3 Routing Guard

Global guard

Valid for all configured routes, but with lower priority than internal routes.

Global front guard (commonly used)

//  When a user fails to authenticate, redirect to  /login
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  // to  The routing object to be entered, from  Source routing, next  Hook function, whether to release or not 
  if ( !== 'Login' && !isAuthenticated) next({ name: 'Login' })
  else next()

Global parsing guard (understand)

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2

Global rear hook (understand)

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2

Routing exclusive guard (understand)

This guard is only valid for configured routes, and the method parameters of these guards are identical to those of the global front guard.

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2

Component internal guard (understand)

The following routing navigation guards can be defined directly within the routing component, only for the current component.

beforeRouteUpdate (2.2  Add )

Guards in components | Vue-Router official documents

7. State Manager Vuex

7.1 Configuration

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2

8, 5 core attributes


Data source, do not directly modify state status

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2


The only way to change the state of state

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2


Store asynchronous operation, asynchronously trigger mutation to change state

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2


Data source processing, similar to calculating properties

const getter = {
    formatName(state) {
        return + '2021'

// 1. Direct call 
this.$store.getter.formatName() // 'xxx2021'
// 2. Auxiliary function mapping 
computed: {
this.formatName() //  // 'xxx2021'


Modularization, allowing each module to manage its own set of state, mutations, actions and getters.

data() {
    return {
        count: 2
        copyCount: 1

//  Use 
this.count // 2

modules | Vuex official document

9. Http Request Library Axios

Http request library based on promise encapsulation, officially recommended

<!-- api.js -->
import axios from 'axios'

//  Creating and configuring instances 
    baseURL: '',    //  Request base address 
    timeout: 1000   //  Request timeout 

//  Request interceptor 
axios.interceptors.request.use(request => {
    request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
//  Response interceptor 
axios.interceptors.response.use(response => {
//  Configuration request 
export default {
    getId: () => axios.get('/getId'),
    getNameById: id =>'/getNameById', id)

<!-- main.js -->
import api from './api.js'

Vue.prototype.$api = api
<!-- page.vue -->
this.$api.getId().then(res => {

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