I used some node. js development tools development kit framework and so on summary
- 2020-03-30 03:59:00
- OfStack
The development tools
Test & automation
1. Mocha: a simple, flexible and fun JavaScript testing framework (similarly, should, supretest)
2. Gruntjs: by far the most popular build tool in the node world
3. Gulp.js: the thing that claims to replace gruntjs
Nodejs code debugging magic, combined with the browser Chrome-Debug, light, convenient
5. Node-dev: the code has changed. Are you still pressing Ctrl+C? Try this tool. Use fs.watch() to monitor the project directory and automatically restart the project when the code changes
Pm2: the upstart replacement for node-forever
Third party development kit
1.Edge. Js: let.NET and nodejs run in the same process, calling each other.
2.Express, an excellent Web development framework
3. Moment, a powerful date-processing library
4. Cheerio, the implementation of jQuery core selector, can run on the server side, similar to jsdom, but much lighter than jsdom
5. Async
6. Shortid, url-friendly unique id
7. Log4js, logging, robust system is inseparable from logging
8. Colors, which make it easy to output different colors of text in the console (tinycolor, a more lightweight console color setting)
9. XMLRPC for XML remote procedure calls, such as when writing a metaweblog
Mander: write command line application essential, simplify various command parsing operations
11. Koa: successor to Express
12. Chokidar: perfect file, folder monitoring package, fs.watch to solve many imperfections, you can do subdirectory monitoring, very convenient
13. Axon: upper layer implementation of message and common socket mode, simplifying socket development, TJ works
14. Cron: task scheduling package with crontab syntax
15.open: use a local application to open a file or url
16. Term-list: cli assists in selection operations
Deepmerge: deepmerge of js objects
Loadsh, underscore: js commonly used tool library, object merge, sorting algorithm, map, reduce, etc
19. Iconv-lite: pure js implementation of the code conversion library, the development of crawler and other scenarios will often be used.
20. Request: a simpler way to send an HTTP request
21. Needle: a lightweight HTTP client module with iconv-lite integration, similar to request
22. Superagent: similar to request, using style similar to jQuery.
23. Mobile-agent: it is very useful for determining whether the access is from the mobile browser or from the PC terminal.
Is -type-of:js helper library that determines the type of the object
Web frameworks & tools
1. StrongLoop
2. KeystoneJS
3. com poundJS
3. Geddy