Simple explanation of bus bus of vue

  • 2021-11-14 04:59:57
  • OfStack

Simple use of bus bus in vue

Scene description:

A component includes B and C components, while B component includes D component. What if D component wants to trigger the method of C component in A component?

Of course, there is a scheme, which uses state management vuex Yes, use $emit Transmission is OK, but I want to try to use bus bus.

As follows:

emit of bus is triggered in D component, and then on of bus bus is used to trigger method in A component;

In the D component

   console.log(' Finish loading trigger event ');
   // this.$bus.$emit(' Event name ',  Parameter ) //  No. 1 2 Can be a parameter 

In the A component

 mounted() {
    //  Eavesdropping item The data in is loaded 
    this.$bus.$on('itemDataLoad', () => {
      console.log(' Finish loading data ');
    // this.$bus.$on(' Event name ',  Callback function ( Parameter ))

Of course, in the A component, through this.$refs You can trigger events in the C component, and so on

Another step is $bus The default does not exist. Try printing this.$bus为undefined Ah;

Don't worry, add $bus to main. js;

// bus Bus  vue Instances 
Vue.prototype.$bus = new Vue()

Of course, the bus bus can be removed in the life cycle;


Anti-shake function of record encapsulation

//  Anti-shake function 
  debounce: function (fun, delay) {
    let timer = null
    //  Receives the value of the parameter passed in when the function is called  ...args  Can be multiple 
    return function (...args) {
      if (tiemr) return
      timer = setTimeout(() => {
        fun.apply(this, args)
      }, delay);

const refresh = debounce(xxx, 500)

refresh(' Parameter 1', ' Parameter 2', ' Parameter 3')

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