Iframe implements a cross browser adaptive height solution

  • 2020-03-30 03:50:48
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the practical value of implementing a cross-browser adaptive height solution for Iframe as an example. Share with you for your reference. Specific methods are as follows:

This method USES jQuery, so you need to introduce it in the SRC page of the iframe.

The parent page is relatively simple, mainly including the following code:

<iframe id="if1" scrolling="no" src="2.html"></iframe>

In the SRC page of the iframe, the code is as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeContent()

function show400()
    if($("#test400").css("display") == "none")
<div id="left111">
 <div class="mnav" onclick="test400()"></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="ProductList.html"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="ProductCategory.html"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="ProductCategory.html"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div id="test400" style="display:none;height:400px;"></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="Orders.html"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav Mcurrent"><a href="Keywords.html"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="#"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="#"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="#"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="#"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="#"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <div class="mnav"><a href="#"> hyperlink </a></div>
 <br />


Here below


The original sentence was:


Adaptive heights can be achieved, but scaling is not. Because the height of the document is the highest that the content has ever appeared, if I click expand here, the iframe will not shrink, it will only show the highest that has ever appeared .

So we're going to use a parent container, which is the latest code. So you can be adaptive.

I believe that this article has a certain reference value for your jQuery programming.

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