Problems and Solutions of vue Using v model Bidirectional Binding Parent child Component Values

  • 2021-11-01 01:50:19
  • OfStack

Directory scenario Try to solve Solve


In use today v-model I encountered a strange problem when carrying out bidirectional data binding of components. The web page itself runs normally, and a warning message appears in Browser 1.

[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "value"

This warning is raised by a custom component RxSelect

Vue.component("RxSelect", {
 model: {
 prop: "value",
 event: "change",
 props: {
 value: [Number, String],
 map: Map,
 template: `
   @change="$emit('change', value)"
   v-for="[k,v] in map"

The code we use seems to be nothing wrong with the code?

<main id="app">
  The current selected gender is : {{map.get(sex)}}
 <rx-select :map="map" v-model="sex" />

JavaScript code

new Vue({
 el: "#app",
 data: {
 map: new Map().set(1, " Secrecy ").set(2, " Male ").set(3, " Female "),
 sex: "",

After testing, the program itself runs normally, and the value transmission of father and son components is no problem. Bidirectional data binding does take effect, but the browser is 1 straight error.

Try to solve

We have found a way

Inside the component for variables that require bidirectional binding data Declare 1 variable innerValue And initialized to value In select Use on v-model Bind this variable innerValue Eavesdropping value In the parent component value Modify when changing innerValue Value of Eavesdropping innerValue Change, use when changing this.$emit('change', val) Tell the parent component that it needs to be updated value Value of

Vue.component("RxSelect", {
 model: {
 prop: "value",
 event: "change",
 props: {
 value: [Number, String],
 map: Map,
 data() {
 return {
  innerValue: this.value,
 watch: {
 value(val) {
  this.innerValue = val;
 innerValue(val) {
  this.$emit("change", val);
 template: `
 <select v-model="innerValue">
  v-for="[k,v] in map"

Use code completely 1 sample, but component RxSelect There is a lot more code. . .


A more elegant way is to use computed Calculate properties and their get/set The degree of code increase is still acceptable

Vue.component("RxSelect", {
 model: {
 prop: "value",
 event: "change",
 props: {
 value: [Number, String],
 map: Map,
 computed: {
 innerValue: {
  get() {
  return this.value;
  set(val) {
  this.$emit("change", val);
 template: `
 <select v-model="innerValue">
  v-for="[k,v] in map"

The above is the vue use v-model bidirectional binding parent-child component value encountered problems and solutions in detail, more about vue use v-model bidirectional binding parent-child component value information please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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