JQuery is a basic tutorial for manipulating various elements
- 2020-03-30 03:48:38
- OfStack
This article illustrates jQuery's operations on elements, including basic operations, choosing elements to manipulate, and working with DOM elements. It has a good reference value for the learning of jQuery. Share with you for your reference. Specific analysis is as follows:
1, the basic
Jquery object set:
$() : collection of jquery objects
Get the elements in the jquery object set:
Use the index to get the javascript elements in the wrapper:
var temp = $('img[alt]')[0]
Get the javascript elements in the jquery object set using jquery's get method:
var temp = $('img[alt]').get(0)
Using the eq method of jquery to get the jquery object elements in the jquery object set:
$(' img [Alt] '). Eq (0)
$(' img [Alt] '). The first ()
$(' img [Alt] '). The last ()
Jquery object set converted into javascript array:
var arr = $('label+button').toArray()
All the sibling button elements after the label are converted into a javascript array
Index of jquery object set:
Var n = $('img').index($('img#id')[0]) note: the index() parameter is a javascript element
Var n = $('img').index('img#id') is the same as the previous line that cannot be found returns -1
Var n = $('img').index() gets the index of img in its sibling
Add more jquery object sets to jquery object sets:
Use commas:
Using the add method:
Take different approaches to different sets of jquery objects:
Add a newly created element to the jquery object set:
Delete an element in the jquery object set:
$('img').not(function(){return !$(this).hasClass('someClassname')})
Filter jquery object set:
$('td').filter(function(){return this.innerhtml.match (^\d+$)}) filters td containing Numbers
Gets a subset of the jquery object set
$('*').slice(0,4) contains a new set of jquery objects for the first four elements
Slice (4) contains a new set of jquery objects for the first four elements
$(' div ') from the (' img [Alt] ')
Convert the elements in the jquery object set:
var allIds = $('div').map(function(){
return (this.id==undefined) ? null : this.id;
The example above can be converted to a javascript array using the get method.
Traversing the elements in the jquery object set:
this.alt = ' This is the first ['+n+'] A picture. A picture id is ' + this.id;
Get jquery object set using inter-element relations:
$(this). The closest (' div ') such as trigger button in which div
$(this).children('.someclassname') all child node elements, do not contain duplicate child nodes
$(this). The closest (' ') near the ancestor element
$(this).contents() a set of jquery objects made up of element contents, such as get < Iframe> Element content
$(this).next('. Someclassname ') next sibling
$(this).nextall ()
$(this).nextuntil ('.someclassname') all sibling elements until the target element is encountered
$(this).offsetparent () the parent element closest to the jquery object set
$(this).parent() direct parent element
$(this).parents() all parent elements
$(this).parrentsuntil () all parent elements up to the target parent
$(this).prev() the previous sibling
PrevAll () before $(this). PrevAll ()
$(this).prevtntl () before all sibling elements, up to the target element
Other ways to get jquery object sets:
$(this).find(p span)
Determine if it is a set of jquery objects:
var hasImg = $('*').is('img');
Jquery methods:
The $(). Hide ()
The $(). The addClass (' ')
The $(). The HTML (' ')
$('a').size() element number
Jquery selector:
$(" p: even)
$(' child (1) the tr: NTH - ')
$(' body > Div ') direct child element
$('a[href=$=' PDF ']') is selected by attribute
$(div: from the (a)) filtering
Jquery functions:
$. The trim ()
Jquery execution time:
The $(document). Ready (function () {});
$(function () {});
Create DOM elements:
src: '',
alt: '',
title: '',
click: function(){}
Jquery extensions:
$.fn.disable = function(){
return this.each(function(){
if(this.disabled != null) this.disabled = true;
Jquery tests the existence of elements:
If (item)(){}else{} loose test
If (item! = null) recommended test to distinguish null from undefined
2. Select the element to operate on
By tag name: $('a')
By id: $('#id')
By classname: $('.someclassname')
Satisfy multiple conditions: $('a#id.someclassname') or $('div,span')
All child nodes of an element: $(p.
Direct child of an element: $(ul.mylist > Li)
According to the property name:
$(a [href ^ = 'http://']) to... At the beginning
$(href = $' PDF ') to... At the end
$(form[method]) contains a form with the method attribute
$(intput [type = 'text'])
$(intput/name! = ' ')
$(href * = 'some')
The first element after an element: $(E+F) matches F, which is the first element after E
An element after an element: $(E~F) matches an F, which is an element after an E
Through position:
$(li:first) first li
$(li:last) last li
$(li:even) even line li
$(li:odd) odd line li
$(li:eq(n)) the NTH element, the index starts from 0
$(li:gt(n)) after the NTH element, the index starts at 0
$(li:lt(n)) before the NTH element, index from 0
The first li in the $(ul:first-child) list
The last li in the $(ul:last-child) list
The NTH li in the $(ul: NTH -child(n)) list
$(ul: limited-child) ul without brother li
$(ul:nth-child(even)) list of even lines li,odd for counting line li
Li in $(ul: NTH -child(5n+1)) list divided by 5 by 1
Through the filter:
$(input: not (: checkbox))
$(' : not (img/SRC * = "dog") ')
$(' img: not (/ SRC * = "dog") ')
$(div: from the (span))
$(' tr: from the (img/SRC $= "pu PNG") ')
$(tr:animated) tr in animated state
$(input:button) includes input of type button,reset, and submit
$(input:checkbox) = $(input[type=checkbox])
$(span:contains(food)) contains the word "food" within the span
$(input: disabled) are prohibited
$(input: enabled)
$(input:file) = $(input[type=file])
H1 to h6: $(header)
$(input: hidden)
$(input:image) = $(input[type=image])
$(:input) includes input, select, textarea, and button elements
$(tr: parent)
$(input:password) is the same as $(input[type=password])
$(input:radio) = $(input[type=radio])
$(input:reset) is equivalent to $(input[type=reset]) or $(button[type=reset])
$('. Clssname: selected ')
$(input:submit) is equivalent to $(input[type=submit]) or $(button[type=submit])
$(input:text) = $(input[type=text])
$(div: visible)
Dealing with the DOM element & cake;
Attributes of the operation element:
this.id = this.tagName + n;
Get the property value:
Set property value:
$('*').attr('title', function(index, previousValue){
return previousValue + ' I am element ' + index + ' and my name is ' + this.id;
}) //Sets a value for a property
value: '',
title: ''
}); //Set values for multiple properties
Delete properties:
Make all links open in a new window:
Avoid multiple form submissions:
$(":submit", this).attr("disabled","disabled");
Add class name:
Delete class name:
Switch class name:
Delete the class name if it exists and add it if it does not
Determine whether the class name is included:
$('p:first').hasClass('') $('p:first').is('')
Returns the list of class names as an array:
$.fn.getClassNames = function(){
var name = this.attr('someclsssname');
if(name != null){
return name.split(" ");
return [];
Setting style:
$('div.someclassname').css(function(index, currentWidth){
return currentWidth + 20;
cursor: 'pointer',
border: '1px solid black',
padding: '12px 12px 20px 20x',
bacgroundColor: 'White'
$(div). The width (500).
$(' div '). Height ()
$(' div '). InnerHeight ()
$(' div '). InnerWidth ()
$(' div '). OuterHeight (true)
$(' div '). OuterWidth (false)
$('p').offset() relative to the reference position of the document
$('p').position() offsets the relative position of the parent element
$('p').scrollleft () the offset of the horizontal scroll bar
$(" p "). ScrollLeft (value)
$(" p "). The scrollTop ()
$(" p "). The scrollTop (value)
About element content:
$(" p "). The HTML ()
$(" p "). The HTML (' ')
$(" p "). The text ()
$(" p "). The text (' ')
Additional content
Append a paragraph of HTML to the end of the element:
$('p').append('<b>some text</b>');
Existing elements in the dom at the end of the element:
Append to the beginning of the element:
Append to the element:
Append to the element:
Append the content to the end:
Append the content to the beginning:
Append the content to the element:
Append the content to the element:
$('<p></p>').insertAfter('p img');
Package elements:
$(' a.s omeclassname '). Wrap (" < Div class = 'hello' > < / div>" )
$(' a.s omeclassname '). Wrap ($(" div: first ") [0])
$(' a.s omeclassname '). WrapAll ()
$(' a.s omeclassname '). WrapInner ()
$(' a.s omeclassname '). UnWrap ()
Delete elements:
$('.classname').remove() removes the element, and the events and data bound to the element are also removed
$('.classname').detach() deletes elements but retains events and data
$('.classname').empty() does not delete elements, but empties their contents
Copy elements:
Replace elements:
$(this).replaceWith('<span>' + $(this).attr('alt') + '</span>');
Values for form elements:
$('[name="radioGroup"]:checked').val() Gets the value of the radio button and returns if none is selected undefined
var checkboxValues = $('[name="checkboxGroup"]:checked').map(function(){
return $(this).val();
}).toArray(); //Gets the value of the multimarquee
For < Select id = "list" multiple = "multiple" > $('#list').val() returns an array of values
$('input').val(['one','two','three']) is selected if the menu or check box matches an element in the array
I believe that this article has a certain reference value for your jQuery programming.