A good copy of ctrip custom data dropdown select
- 2020-03-30 03:48:09
- OfStack
This is a copy of ctrip custom data drop-down select, some more important parameters for the description, convenient for beginners
*id : id The parent element of the current plug-in
*data : json Selected data ( json Format)
*bool : true/false data If you want to separate the data into two A value of true
*config : configuration data Internal object (type in bool for true In effect on )
id : The data fields ,
name : The name of the data ,
alias : The first letter of the data name ,
type : The data type
*fn : function fn(){} Callback function, which is executed when clicking on the function that generates the label
function YSelect(id,Ydata,bool,config,fn){
var data = [];
Yselect_close = {};
var name_list = {A:[],B:[],C:[],D:[],E:[],F:[],G:[],H:[],I:[],J:[],K:[],L:[],M:[],N:[],O:[],P:[],Q:[],R:[],S:[],T:[],U:[],V:[],W:[],X:[],Y:[],Z:[], other :[]} //Create a new array to prevent undefind
var YDropdowns = document.getElementById(id);
function Pretreatment(){ //Process the data
var CatalogData = [];
var BrandData = [];
var china = [];
var foreign = [];
for (var i in Ydata) {
if (Ydata[i][config.type] == null)
if (BrandData != "") {
for (var i = 0 ; i < BrandData.length ; i++) {
var str = BrandData[i].split(';')
if (str[3] == 0) china.push(str[0] + ';' + str[1] + ';' + str[2]);
else foreign.push(str[0] + ';' + str[1] + ';' + str[2]);
if (bool) {
data = china;
return data;
}else {
data = foreign;
return data;
data = CatalogData;
return data; //Return data
function jsondata(data_name,ida){ //Process the data that goes out
var tit = []; //Definition initial
var Ahtml = {A:[],B:[],C:[],D:[],E:[],F:[],G:[],H:[],I:[],J:[],K:[],L:[],M:[],N:[],O:[],P:[],Q:[],R:[],S:[],T:[],U:[],V:[],W:[],X:[],Y:[],Z:[], other :[]}; //Create a new array to prevent undefind
var Yselect_box = document.createElement("div"); //Create a new select box parent element
Yselect_box.id = ida+"_Yselect_box";
var Yselect_div = document.createElement("div"); //A container in which letters return values
var Yselect_letter = document.createElement("p"); //26 letter container
Yselect_letter.id = ida+'_Yselect_letter'
var stylelink = document.createElement("style") //Create skin, there are two sets of skin to choose from
//Stylelink. InnerHTML = '#' + id + '_Yselect_box {width: 100%; Position: absolute; Top: 30 px; Left: 0; Z - index: 9999; Background: # FFF} # '+ id + _Yselect_box p {background: # 469 bde; Padding: 0 px; } # '+ id +' _Yselect_box p span. Cursor: pointer; Position: absolute; Top: 0; Right: 0; Color :#f00}#'+id+' _yselect_box.hide_tag {border: 1px solid #469bde; Padding: 5 px; Display: none; Min - height: 100 px; Max - height: 300 px; Min - width: 300 px; Max - width: 800 px; Overflow: auto # '+ id +' _Yselect_box p} a {padding: 5 px; The line - height: 28 px; Color: # FFF} # '+ id + _Yselect_box. Hide_tag a {width: 80 px; Display: block; The text - decoration: none; Padding: 5 px; The line - height: 12 px; The font - size: 12 px; Float: left; Color: # 444; Overflow: hidden; The text - overflow: ellipsis; White - space: nowrap; } # '+ id + _Yselect_box. Hide_tag a: hover {background: # 469 bde; Color: # FFF. Cur {border-bottom: 2px solid #fac51f}';
stylelink.innerHTML = '#'+ida+'_Yselect_box{width: 100%;min-width:500px;max-width:800px;position:absolute;top:30px;left:0;z-index:9999;background:#fff;border:1px solid #ddd;}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box p{padding:0 10px;}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box p span.close{font: 16px/20px Microsoft jas black ;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;color:#666}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box .hide_tag{padding:5px 10px;display: none;min-height:50px;max-height:200px;overflow:auto}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box p a{padding:5px;line-height: 28px;color:#333;border-bottom:2px solid #bbb;font-weight:bold}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box .hide_tag a{width:80px;display:block;text-decoration:none;padding:5px;line-height: 12px;font-size:12px;float:left;color:#444;overflow: hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box .hide_tag a:hover{background:#469bde;color:#fff;}#'+ida+'_Yselect_box a.cur{border-bottom: 2px solid #469bde;color:#469bde}';
for (var i = 0 ; i < data_name.length ; i++) {
var str = data_name[i].split(';')
tit.push(str[2].charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase()) //Determine the initial and assign it to tit
for(var j in tit){
else name_list. other .push(data_name[j])
} //Insert the data into the name_list
for (var k in name_list){ //Process data to letters separated as empty on the hide
if (name_list[k].length != 0) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < name_list[k].length ; i++) {
var allhtml = '<a href="javascript:" onclick="'+fn+'(this)" title="'+ name_list[k][i].split(';')[1] + '" name="'+ name_list[k][i].split(';')[0] + '">' + name_list[k][i].split(';')[1] + '</a>';
Ahtml[k] += allhtml ;
Yselect_letter.innerHTML += '<a href="javascript:" >'+k+'</a>';
Yselect_div.innerHTML += '<div class="hide_tag">'+Ahtml[k]+'</div>';
var bool = true
Yselect_box.innerHTML = '<p id="'+ida+'_Yselect_letter'+'">'+Yselect_letter.innerHTML+'<span class="close">x</span></p>'+ Yselect_div.innerHTML;
YDropdowns.appendChild(stylelink); //Insert the select into the page
Yselect_box.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].onclick = function Yselect_close(){
bool = false
} //Click destroy select
Yselect_close.close = function Yselect_close(obool){
bool = false
if (bool) {
} //Destroy the select function
return Yselect_close
function navlist(ids){ //TAB TAB handler
var a = document.getElementById(ids+'_Yselect_letter').getElementsByTagName('a');
var div = document.getElementById(ids+'_Yselect_box').getElementsByTagName('div');
div[0].style.display = "block" ; a[0].className = "cur";
for (var i = 0 ; i < a.length ; i++) {
a[i].index = i;
a[i].onclick = function(){
for (var j = 0 ; j < a.length ; j++){
div[j].style.display = "none";
a[j].className = "";
div[this.index].style.display = "block";
this.className = "cur"