Complete tutorial on the use of axios encapsulation in vue

  • 2021-10-27 06:33:35
  • OfStack


Nowadays, Axios library is widely used in projects to request Http interface. It is an http library based on promise, which can run on the browser side and node. js. In addition, there are excellent features such as intercepting requests and responses, transforming JSON data, and defending clients against XSRF.

Considering the actual use of each project writing confusion, not unified 1. Axios for 1 under the general encapsulation, the purpose is to help simplify the code and facilitate the later update maintenance, as far as possible general.

The method is as follows

1. vue Install axios

	npm install axios -S
	npm i axios -S

2. Global import at main. js

	import axios from 'axios'
	Vue.prototype.$axios = axios // Will axios Bind to vue On the prototype of 

3. Configure cross-domain in root vue. config. js

	module.exports = {
	 publicPath: './',
	 // Configure cross-domain requests 
	 devServer: {
	  open: true, // Do you want to open the browser automatically 
	  https: false, // Whether to turn it on https
	  hotOnly: false,
	  proxy: { //  Configure cross-domain 
	   '/api': {
	    target: 'http://********', // Request interface domain name  
	    ws: true,
	    secure: false,
	    changOrigin: true, // Whether to allow crossing 
	    pathRewrite: {
	     '^/api': ''
	  before: app => { }

4. Create api. js file under api folder under src subdirectory for simple encapsulation of axios

import axios from 'axios'
// It quotes here element Adj. loading Full screen loading 
import { Loading } from "element-ui";

const service = axios.create({
 baseURL: '/',
 timeout: 30000 //  Set the request timeout 
let loading = "";
//  Request interceptor 
 (config) => {
  //  Do it before the request is sent 1 Some treatment 
  if (!(config.headers['Content-Type'])) {
   loading = Loading.service({
    lock: true,
    text: " Loading ...",
    spinner: "el-icon-loading",
    background: "rgba(255,255,255,0.7)",
    customClass: "request-loading",
   if (config.method == 'post') {
    config.headers['Content-Type'] =
    for (var key in {
     if ([key] === '') {
    } = JSON.stringify(
   } else {
    config.headers['Content-Type'] =
     'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' = JSON.stringify(
  const token = "token"
  //  Let each request carry token-- ['X-Token'] For custom key  Please modify it according to the actual situation 
  if (token) {
   config.headers['Authorization'] = token
  return config
 (error) => {
  //  Send failed 
  return Promise.reject(error)

//  Response interceptor 
 (response) => {

  // dataAxios  Yes  axios  Returns the  data
  // loadingInstance.close();
  const dataAxios =
  //  This status code is agreed with the back end 

  return dataAxios
 (error) => {
  return Promise.reject(error)

	export default service

5. Create an http file under the api folder

 //  Introduce packaged axios
 // ps: If there is no encapsulation, import it normally axios You can 
  import axios from "./api";
	// 	/api To configure cross-domain path variables 
  let reportUpload= '/api/report/upload'
  export const Upload= () => {
   return axios.get( reportUpload )

6. Call the interface in the page

//  Introducing encapsulated interfaces 
 	import { Upload} from "@/api/http.js"; 

//  Use when calling 
 async Upload() {
  let { result } = await getlist ();


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