JS Gets the position in a string where the specified string occurs n times

  • 2021-10-27 06:20:19
  • OfStack

Learn about similar ways to get character positions:

charAt () Gets the character at the specified position of the string

Usage: strObj is the string object, index is the specified position, (the position starts from 0)


The indexOf () method returns the first occurrence of a specified string value in a string

Usage: stringObject is a string object, searchvalue is a specified string value, and fromindex (optional) specifies the position where the string value begins to match. If none, it means starting from the position 0.


For example:

var str='helloworld';
var num=str.indexOf('o');// Return 4

Get down to business

Gets the position of a string value at the n occurrence of the specified string

Just like the example above, helloword, I want to get the location where the second o appears

js code: Parameters (string, string value to find, which string value to find

function find(str,cha,num){
 var x=str.indexOf(cha);
 for(var i=0;i<num;i++){
 return x;

Refer to this method:

ar str="Hello World!"
document.write(find(str,'o',1));// Return 7

The basic usage is like this. For a string with more than one character in the same string, just replace the corresponding 2 with the n value you want to find.

For example: Get the position where the n '/' appears in the current page url

Call the above method directly

ar str=document.URL;// Get the full path information of the current page 

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