What is jQuery for? jquery is actually an js framework

  • 2021-10-27 06:09:53
  • OfStack

Introduction to jQuery

The jQuery library can be added to a Web page with a single line of tags.

Basic knowledge you need
Before you start learning jQuery, you should have a basic understanding of the following knowledge:

HTML CSS JavaScript

If you need to learn these subjects first, please find these tutorials on our homepage.

What is jQuery?

jQuery is an JavaScript library.

jQuery is a lightweight "write less, do more" JavaScript library.

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Compared with the native js code, it can achieve very powerful functions with very little code, and its compatibility is good. Nowadays, many native js are considered to support multiple browsers, etc., especially the selector of jquery is relatively powerful, which is used for practical projects and reduces the development cycle. One company will require jquery, and one person's js cannot reach this level.


However, it is not conducive to learning for students who have just come into contact with js. Many people may use jquery but are not good at writing native js, which is not conducive to the improvement of personal skills. Therefore, for initial js learners, they can practice their hands with native js first, and learn compared with jquery, otherwise there will be no better js library than jquery in the future.

The jQuery library includes the following features:

HTML Element Selection HTML Element Operation CSS operation HTML Event Function JavaScript special effects and animation HTML DOM Traversal and Modification AJAX Utilities

Tip: In addition, Jquery also provides a large number of plug-ins.

Why use jQuery?

There are a large number of open source JS frameworks on the network at present, but jQuery is the most popular JS framework at present, and provides a large number of extensions.

Many large companies are using jQuery, such as:


Is jQuery applicable to all browsers?

The jQuery community knows that JS has a number of compatibility issues in different browsers, and jQuery is currently compatible with all major browsers, including Internet Explorer 6!

jquery is a framework based on javascript class library, which provides many javascript class libraries and encapsulation of some css style sheets. It is convenient to use, simplifies the interaction between users and browsers, and improves the performance and development efficiency of the system.

The purpose of jQuery design is "write Less, Do More", that is, it advocates writing less code and doing more things. It encapsulates the common functional codes of JavaScript, provides a simple JavaScript design pattern, and optimizes HTML document operation, event processing, animation design and Ajax interaction.

The core features of jQuery can be summarized as follows: unique chain syntax and short and clear multifunctional interface; It has an efficient and flexible css selector and can be extended to the CSS selector; It has convenient plug-in extension mechanism and rich plug-ins. jQuery is compatible with various mainstream browsers, such as IE 6.0 +, FF 1.5 +, Safari 2.0 +, Opera 9.0 +, etc.

Linguistic features

1. Quickly get document elements

The selection mechanism of jQuery is built on the selector of Css, which provides the ability to quickly query elements in DOM documents and greatly enhances the way to obtain page elements in JavaScript.

2. Provide beautiful page dynamic effects

jQuery has built-in 1 series of animation effects, which can develop very beautiful web pages. Many websites use jQuery's built-in effects, such as fade-in and fade-out, element removal and other dynamic effects.

3. Create AJAX non-refresh web page

AJAX is the abbreviation of asynchronous JavaScript and ML, which can develop very sensitive web pages without refreshing, especially when developing server-side web pages, such as PHP website, which needs to communicate with the server back and forth. If you don't use AJAX, you have to refresh the web pages every time you update the data, but after using AJAX special effects, you can refresh the pages locally and provide dynamic effects.

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