Causes and Solutions of the First Delay of js Timer

  • 2021-10-16 00:46:34
  • OfStack

When we use js timer, it often happens that we get data every few seconds, which is realized through setInterval. And if the setInterval () parameter is improperly passed, the timer will delay the trial. This paper introduces the principle and implementation process of the first delay of js timer.


The function is to call a function, method or object every 1 fixed time when playing animation.


setInterval(function(),time);  In milliseconds 

Note: The unit is milliseconds

The first delay execution of timer: implemented by setInterval

var t = setInterval(scrollTop,2500);
function scrollTop(){
 // ...

Solution to the delay in the first execution of js setInterval

When you use the setInterbal (function, delayTime) method, you find that it also delays the first call of the function. 1 All of us call immediately for the first time, and then delay the call. My solution is as follows:

 Functions that need to be called late: 
  function callinSound(){
  	var callin=$('#callin')[0];
  	// No. 1 1 This function is returned after the second execution is completed 
  	return callinSound;
 Caller: setInterval(callinSound(),6000);
 First, call the callinSound () method, and then deferred execution. 

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