JQuery implements a custom Placeholder attribute plug in

  • 2020-03-30 03:41:12
  • OfStack

Here is a brief introduction to the implementation of ideas.

First, a few tools and methods:

These tools are some of the most common ones, and you can replace them if you have your own or more appropriate ones.

2. Body, CustomPlaceholder object. This object mainly maintains the information of each text box, including its location, the prompt message that should be displayed, etc., and it also contains the methods of creating the prompt message and positioning, as well as the corresponding events of the object.

Events are mainly the processing in the initEvents function. Special attention is paid to the processing of the prompt events. When the prompt is clicked, the focus should be repositioned to the text box. The text box handles the focus and blur events.

$(self.hint).bind( 'click', function(e){
}); $(self.input).bind( 'focus', function(e){
 self.hint.style.display = 'none';
}); $(self.input).bind( 'blur', function(e){
 if(this.value == ''){
  self.hint.style.display = 'inline';

The two main methods of the CustomPlacehodler object are createHintLabel(text, position) and position(). CreateHintLabel is the DOM object used to create the prompt message, locate it, and return the object. The position method is used to force the prompt message to be repositioned. Mainly used for page size changes. The functionality and implementation of both methods are relatively simple.

The next step is to generate the corresponding CustomPlaceholder object based on the selected input object, store it in an array, get the DOM object for the prompt information of each object, add it to the container, and finally append the container to the body object.

var customPlaceholders = [];
if(this.length > 0){
 var box = $c('div', 'dk_placeholderfixed_box');
 for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){
  var input = this[i];
  customPlaceholders.push(new CustomPlaceholder(box, input, option));
 }  document.body.appendChild(box);

Finally, it is important to bind the resize event for the window object, and to reposition all the customPlacehoder objects when the window object triggers the resize event.

$(window).bind( 'resize', function(e){
 for(var i = 0, len = customPlaceholders.length; i < len; i++){
  var customPlaceholder = customPlaceholders[i];
 } });

This simple plugin is finished here.

Plug-in source code:


var eles = {
	div: document.createElement('div'),
	ul: document.createElement('ul'),
	li: document.createElement('li'),
	span: document.createElement('span'),
	p: document.createElement('p'),
	a: document.createElement('a'),
	fragment: document.createDocumentFragment(),
	input: document.createElement('input')
var supportProperty = function(nodeType, property){
		case 0:
			return false;
		case 1:
			var property = nodeType, nodeType = 'div';
			property = property.split('.');
			if(property.length == 1){
				return typeof eles[nodeType][property[0]] !== 'undefined';
			}else if(property.length == 2){
				return typeof eles[nodeType][property[0]][property[1]] !== 'undefined';
		case 2:
			property = property.split('.');
			if(property.length == 1){
				return typeof eles[nodeType][property[0]] !== 'undefined';
			}else if(property.length == 2){
				return typeof eles[nodeType][property[0]][property[1]] !== 'undefined';
			return false;
			return false;

var getPositionInDoc = function(target, parent) {
	if (!target) {
		return null;
	var left = 0,
		top = 0;
	do {
		left += target.offsetLeft || 0;
		top += target.offsetTop || 0;
		target = target.offsetParent;
		if(parent && target == parent){
	} while (target);
	return {
		left: left,
		top: top

var $c = function(tagName, id, className){
	var ele = null;
		ele = eles[tagName] = document.createElement(tagName);
		ele = eles[tagName].cloneNode(true);
		ele.id = id;
		ele.className = className;
	return ele;
var CustomPlaceholder = function(box, input, option){
	var self = this;
	var position = getPositionInDoc(input);
	self.input = input;
	self.option = {xOffset:0, yOffset:0};
	for(var item in option){
		self.option[item] = option[item];
	self.hint = self.createHintLabel(input.getAttribute('placeholder'), position);
	self.initEvents = function(){
		$(self.hint).bind( 'click', function(e){
		$(self.input).bind( 'focus', function(e){
			self.hint.style.display = 'none';
		$(self.input).bind( 'blur', function(e){
			if(this.value == ''){
				self.hint.style.display = 'inline';

CustomPlaceholder.prototype = {
	createHintLabel: function(text, position){
		var hint = $c('label');
		hint.style.cusor = 'text';
		hint.style.position = 'absolute';
		hint.style.left = position.left + this.option.xOffset + 'px';
		hint.style.top = position.top + this.option.yOffset + 'px';
		hint.innerHTML = text;
		hint.style.zIndex = '9999';
		return hint;
	position: function(){
		var position = getPositionInDoc(this.input);
		this.hint.style.left = position.left + this.option.xOffset + 'px';
		this.hint.style.top = position.top + this.option.yOffset + 'px';

$.fn.placeholder = function(option){
	if(supportProperty('input', 'placeholder')){
	var customPlaceholders = [];
	if(this.length > 0){
		var box = $c('div', 'dk_placeholderfixed_box');
		for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){
			var input = this[i];
				customPlaceholders.push(new CustomPlaceholder(box, input, option));
	$(window).bind( 'resize', function(e){
		for(var i = 0, len = customPlaceholders.length; i < len; i++){
			var customPlaceholder = customPlaceholders[i];


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