Implementation of webpack4 Component Library Building from 0

  • 2021-09-24 21:30:32
  • OfStack

Code separation

There are three methods of code separation:

Entry starting point: Use entry configuration to manually separate code. Prevent duplication: Use SplitChunksPlugin to remove duplication and separate chunk. Dynamic import: Separate code through inline function calls in modules.

Dynamic Import (dynamic imports)

import() require.ensure

Prefetch/Preload Module (prefetch/preload module)

webpack v 4.6. 0 + adds support for prefetching and preloading.

When declaring import, you can have webpack output "resource hint (resource hint)" to inform the browser using these built-in directives:

prefetch (Prefetch): Resources that may be needed under some navigation in the future preload (preload): Resources may be required under current navigation

Detailed Explanation of Key Configuration Items

(1) mode: "pruduction"
Enable minification (code compression) and tree shaking (usedExports: true)
Automatically assign DefinePlugin: process. env. NODE_ENV = = = 'production'

(2) devtool
Introduction to source map

Production environment: source-map
Development environment: inline-source-map

(3) optimization

splitChunks: {
 chunks: 'all', //  Extract common modules  loadash
 //  Will be 3 Square library (library) (For example  lodash  Or  react ) to a separate  vendor chunk  In the document, it is a recommended practice 
 //  Utilization  client  Long-term caching mechanism, hit cache to eliminate requests and reduce the number of requests to  server  Access to resources, while also ensuring that  client  Code and  server  Code version 1 To. 
 cacheGroups: {
  vendor: {
   test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
   name: 'vendors',
   chunks: 'all'


runtimeChunk: 'single' //  Extract boot template   Will  runtime  Code splitting 1 A single  chunk

(5) output

// filename: '[name].[contenthash].js', // content hash  Content changes will change 
filename: 'webpack-numbers.js', 
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),

//  Exposure  library  This is the name of the library  import from 'webpackNumbers'
library: 'webpackNumbers', 
libraryTarget: 'umd'

(6) plugins


const { HashedModuleIdsPlugin } = require('webpack');

plugins: [
  //  The module content will not change due to the increase and decrease of modules, and the long cache hit mechanism will be added 
  new HashedModuleIdsPlugin()


Analyze packaging code

const {BundleAnalyzerPlugin} = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer');

plugins: [
  new BundleAnalyzerPlugin()

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