Solve the pit of pull down refresh pull up loading etc. When vant frame makes H5

  • 2021-09-16 06:20:10
  • OfStack

1. The page cannot slide up and down on the mobile phone, and the browser slides normally on the PC side

Description: overflow: auto is set; Under the premise of attributes, the H5 page can slide up and down in the PC browser, slide normally on ios, and cannot slide up and down on Android phones; This phenomenon is not a compatibility problem between ios and Android!

Reason: touch-action: none is set; This attribute is a local or global attribute, so annotate this attribute to slide normally.

2. Problems with pull-down refresh and pull-up load using PullRefresh and List lists

Problem 1. When you pull down and refresh on your mobile phone, no matter where you slide, just pull down and refresh

Reason: The sliding interval is set incorrectly. At this time, the sliding interval should be the parent box of this component. I set overflow: scroll to the outermost box

Problem 2. The list displayed during pull-up load always contains only the current 1 page, not the current page and the loaded 1 page

Reason: The parameter of the request interface should not be current + +, that is, the current page number should not be +1, but the current page number should always be maintained, and the requested size=current*size

Problem 3. When dropping down, the bottom part of the page is obscured when there is little data

Reason: height is set for van-list, and height is 80%. van-list must be set high, otherwise it cannot slide

Solution: Set the minimum height: min-height: calc (100vh-100px); overflow: hidden;

Problem 4. Repeated loading problem during pull-up loading

van-list attribute finished trigger time error, if directly placed in @ load method, will appear 1 direct request load

Solution: Put finished=true in the method of requesting interface to return data. When the current page data is greater than or equal to the total number of returned pages, finished=true shows that loading is completed, and load loading event is no longer triggered.

Note: The codes of pull-up refresh and pull-up loading are attached

<van-pull-refresh v-model="isLoading" :head-height="20" @refresh="onRefresh">
  finished-text=" All Loads Complete "
  error-text=" Request failed, click Reload "

 return {
 isLoading: false,
 finished: false,
 loading: false,
 getVideoList() {
  getVideoList(this.current, this.selectDisposeStatus,  this.searchValue).then(resp => {
  this.videoList =
  this.isVideoList = false
  if (this.videoList.length >= {
   this.finished = true
  }).catch(() => {
  this.error = true
 onRefresh() {
  this.current = 1
  this.isLoading = false
  this.$toast(' Refresh succeeded ')
 onLoadList() {
  this.loading = false
  this.$toast(' Load succeeded ')

Additional knowledge: Property '$notify' must be of type 'ElNotification' Error occurred in Vant and Element-ui

Problems encountered:

ERROR in/Users/oyo/projects/dataplatform/notify/node_modules/vant/types/notify. d. ts 33: 5 Subsequent property declarations must the same type. Property '$notify' must be of type 'ElNotification' but here has

The reason is that both component libraries add the $notify method to the application.

The solution is to install only one component library and import the other component library as needed

Example of error reporting:

npm install vant element-ui

vant and element-ui both have $notify methods that report errors

import Vue from 'vue';
import Vant from 'vant';
import 'vant/lib/index.css';
import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css';



import Vue from 'vue';
import Vant from 'vant';
import 'vant/lib/index.css';

//  Introduce the components you use as needed ,  Instead of installing the entire component library 
import ElButton from 'element-ui/lib/button';
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/button.css';

Vue.component('el-button', ElButton);

 "compilerOptions": {
 "paths": {
  //  Point to the correct declaration mapping 
  "element-ui/lib/button": ["node_modules/element-ui/types/button"]

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