Detailed explanation of JavaScript's Array. reduce source code interpretation

  • 2021-09-12 00:01:30
  • OfStack


The reduce (...) method executes one reducer function provided by you on each element in the array (executed in ascending order), summarizing its results into a single return value (cumulative effect)

This method takes two parameters: callback (...) (required) and initialValue (optional).
callback (...) accepts four parameters: Accumulator (acc) (accumulator), Current Value (cur) (current value), Current Index (idx) (current index), Source Array (src) (source array).

1. callback (...) 1 generally requires a return value
2. The original array will not be changed

Realization thought
1. Get the initial accumulated value first (divided into two cases: initialValue is provided but initialValue is not provided)
2. Traverse the array and execute callback (...)
3. Return the cumulative value

Source code implementation

Array.prototype.myReduce = function(callback, initialValue) {
 if(this === null) {
  throw new TypeError( 'Array.prototype.reduce called on null or undefined' );
 if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
  throw new TypeError( callback + ' is not a function');
 const O = Object(this);
 const lenValue = O.length;
 const len = lenValue >>> 0;
 if(len === 0 && !initialValue) {
  throw new TypeError('the array contains no elements and initialValue is not provided');
 let k = 0;
 let accumulator;
 //  Divide into two situations to get accumulator
 //  Available initialValue accumulator=initialValue
 //  Not provided initialValue accumulator= The number of the array 1 Valid elements 
 if(initialValue) {
  accumulator = initialValue;
 } else {
  let kPressent = false;
  while(!kPressent && k < len) {
   const pK = String(k);
   kPressent = O.hasOwnProperty(pK);
   if(kPressent) {
    accumulator = O[pK];
  if(!kPressent) {
   throw new TypeError('the array contains error elements');
 //  When accumulator=initialValue Hour  k=0
 // accumulator= The number of the array 1 Valid elements  k=1
 while(k < len) {
  if(k in O) {
   // callback1 You need to return a value 
   accumulator = callback(accumulator, O[k], k, O);
 return accumulator;
let r = [1,2,3].myReduce(function (prevValue, currentValue, currentIndex, array) {
 return prevValue + currentValue;
}, 22);
console.log(r); // 28

Reference link:

Official norm

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