Example of recursive deletion of linked list elements by PHP

  • 2021-09-04 23:10:17
  • OfStack


This article introduces recursion. The essence of recursion is the process of transforming the original problem into a smaller problem and solving these smaller problems. Here are two examples of recursion to help you learn about recursion.

1. Recursive array summation

For example, an array $arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; Need to require sum, and help learn the understanding of recursion by realizing the summation of arrays by recursive functions.

1.1 Output file output_recursion. php

require 'ArrayRecursion.php';
 *  Recursive realization of array summation 
$arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
echo ArrayRecursion::recursionSum($arr);

1.2 Class ArrayRecursion

This is an array of recursive summation code, where recursionSum () is a recursive function, equivalent to the summation process into smaller summation, and finally achieve the desired results:

 *  Summing Arrays Using Recursion   Facilitate the understanding of recursion 
 * Class ArrayRecursion
class ArrayRecursion
  public static function sum(array $arr) {
    return self::recursionSum($arr);
  public static function recursionSum(array $arr, $i = 0) {
    if (count($arr) == $i) {
      return 0;
    return $arr[$i] + self::recursionSum($arr, $i + 1);

Tips: This summation process only helps to learn the idea of recursion. The actual summation can directly traverse the array.

2. Recursively delete an element of a linked list

For example, a linked list 10- > 9- > 8- > 99- > 7- > 99- > 6- > 5- > 99- > 4- > 3- > 2- > 1- > null needs to delete an element whose value is equal to 99, and the effect of deleting a specified element can be obtained by implementing recursion.

2.1 Output file output_recursion. php

require 'LinkedList.php';
require 'LinkedListRecursion.php';
 *  First instantiate 1 Linked lists, add to the linked list 50 Elements 
$linkedList = new LinkedList();
for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
  if ($i % 7 == 0) {
  } else {
echo $linkedList->toString();
/** Print elements in linked list 
 * 99->48->47->46->45->44->43->99->41->40->39->
 * 38->37->36->99->34->33->32->31->30->29->99->27->
 * 26->25->24->23->22->99->20->19->18->17->16->15->
 * 99->13->12->11->10->9->8->99->6->5->4->3->2->1->99->null
// Pass linked list objects into 1 Methods that can delete a specified element, such as  99
echo LinkedListRecursion::deleteElement($linkedList, 99)->toString();
/** Print 
 * 48->47->46->45->44->43->41->40->
 * 39->38->37->36->34->33->32->31->
 * 30->29->27->26->25->24->23->22->
 * 20->19->18->17->16->15->13->12->
 * 11->10->9->8->6->5->4->3->2->1->null

2.2 LinkedList & Node linked list class

This is a linked list class, you can use addFirst () method to add elements to the head of the linked list, you can use getHead () to obtain the node object information of the linked list head, you can use setHead () to change head, and another linked list node class Node is defined below:

 *  Realization of linked list 
 * Class LinkedList
class LinkedList
  private $dummyHead;
  private $size;
   *  Initialize linked list  null->null
   * LinkedList constructor.
  public function __construct() {
    $this->dummyHead = new Node(null, null);
    $this->size = 0;
   *  Get the linked list size 
   * @return int
  public function getSize(): int {
    return $this->size;
   *  Determine whether the linked list is empty 
   * @return bool
  public function isEmpty(): bool {
    return $this->size == 0;
   *  At the end of the linked list  index  Position add element 
   * @param int $index
   * @param $e
  public function add(int $index, $e): void {
    if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
      echo " Index range error ";
    $prve = $this->dummyHead;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
      $prve = $prve->next;
    // Insert the top of the position 1 Of a position  next  Node points to the inserted node, and the  next  Node information points to the  next  Node 
    $prve->next = new Node($e, $prve->next);
   *  Add an element to the beginning of a linked list 
   * @param $e
  public function addFirst($e): void {
    $this->add(0, $e);
   *  Add an element to the end of a linked list 
   * @param $e
  public function addLast($e): void {
    $this->add($this->size, $e);
   *  Get the number of the linked list  index  Position element 
   * @param $index
  public function get($index) {
    if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
      echo " Index range error ";
    $node = $this->dummyHead;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $index + 1; $i++) {
      $node = $node->next;
    return $node->e;
   *  Get the number of the linked list 1 Elements 
   * @return mixed
  public function getFirst() {
    return $this->get(0);
   *  Get the last of the linked list 1 Elements 
   * @return mixed
  public function getLast() {
    return $this->get($this->size - 1);
   *  Modify the column in the linked list  index  Position element value 
   * @param $index
   * @param $e
  public function update($index, $e) {
    if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
      echo " Index range error ";
    $node = $this->dummyHead;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $index + 1; $i++) {
      $node = $node->next;
    $node->e = $e;
   *  Determine whether there is an element in the linked list 
   * @param $e
   * @return bool
  public function contains($e): bool {
    for ($node = $this->dummyHead->next; $node != null; $node = $node->next) {
      if ($node->e == $e) {
        return true;
    return true;
   *  Delete the entries in the linked list  index  Position element 
   * @param $index
  public function remove($index) {
    if ($index < 0 || $index > $this->size) {
      echo " Index range error ";
    if ($this->size == 0) {
      echo " The linked list is already empty ";
    $prve = $this->dummyHead;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
      $prve = $prve->next;
    $node = $prve->next;
    $prve->next = $node->next;
    return $node->e;
   *  Delete linked list header element 
  public function removeFirst() {
    return $this->remove(0);
   *  Delete the last element of linked list 
  public function removeLast() {
    return $this->remove($this->size - 1);
   *  Get header node information 
   * @return mixed
  public function getHead() {
    return $this->dummyHead->next;
   *  Set head 
   * @param Node $head
  public function setHead(Node $head) {
    $this->dummyHead->next = $head;
   *  Linked list elements are converted to string display 
   * @return string
  public function toString(): string {
    $str = "";
    for ($node = $this->dummyHead->next; $node != null; $node = $node->next) {
      $str .= $node->e . "->";
    return $str . "null";
class Node
  public $e;// Node element 
  public $next; // Next node information 
   *  Constructor   Setting Node Information 
   * Node constructor.
   * @param $e
   * @param $next
  public function __construct($e, $next) {
    $this->e = $e;
    $this->next = $next;

2.3 LinkedListRecursion Class

This class defines an deleteElement (LinkedList $linkedList, $val) method that deletes nodes with specified element values in the passed linked list class (actually, the node's next repoints), and the recursionDelete ($head, $val) method is a recursive function that recursively deletes nodes with specified element values equal to $val in head:

 *  Recursively delete the specified element of linked list 
 * Class LinkedListRecursion
class LinkedListRecursion
  public static function deleteElement(LinkedList $linkedList, $val) {
    $linkedList->setHead(self::recursionDelete($linkedList->getHead(), $val));
    return $linkedList;
   *  Recursive function   Recursively delete linked list elements 
   * @param $head
   * @param $val
   * @return null
  private static function recursionDelete($head, $val) {
    if ($head == null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      if ($head->e == $val) {
        return self::recursionDelete($head->next, $val);
      } else {
        $head->next = self::recursionDelete($head->next, $val);
        return $head;

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