<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$('#content div.thumbnail img').each(function(){
var x = 400; //Fill in the target image width
var y = 240; //Fill in the target image height
var w=$(this).width(), h=$(this).height();//Gets the width and height of the image
if (w > x) { //When the image width is larger than the target width
var w_original=w, h_original=h;
h = h * (x / w); //Calculate the height proportional to the target width
w = x; //The width is equal to the predetermined width
if (h < y) { //If the scaled down height is less than the predetermined height
w = w_original * (y / h_original); //Recalculate the width by the target height
h = y; //The height is equal to the predetermined height
<div id="content">
<div id="thumbnail" class="thumbnail" >
<img id="web" src="./midle.png"/>