node. js How to Monitor File Changes

  • 2021-08-09 06:56:34
  • OfStack


The fs. FSWatcher class inherits EventEmitter and is used to monitor file changes. After calling fs. watch, one fs. FSWatcher instance is returned. Whenever the specified monitored file is modified, the instance will trigger an event to call the callback function'./tmp', (eventType, filename) => {
 if (filename) {
});[, options][, listener]) Monitor file changes and return fs. FSWatcher instances

1. filename: File or folder path


encoding recursive: Default value false, should you monitor all subdirectories or only the current directory, supported only on macOS and Windows persistent: The default value true indicates whether the process should continue if the file is already being monitored listener (eventType, filename): File change callback function

eventType is mainly rename And change On most platforms, the 'rename' event is triggered when a file appears or disappears from a directory. On Windows, no event is triggered if the monitored directory is moved or renamed, and when the monitored directory is deleted, it is reported EPERM Errors'./', { recursive: true }, (eventType, filename) => {
 console.log(eventType, filename);


fs.watchFile(filename[, options], listener) Used to monitor file changes



biginit: Default value false, specifying whether the value in the callback stat is of type biginit persistent: The default value is true, whether the process should continue to run while the file is being monitored interval: Default value 5007 to specify polling frequency (ms)

3. listener (currentStats, previousStats): listener has two parameters, the current stat object and the previous stat object
To receive notifications when a file is modified, you need to compare the curr.mtime And prev.mtime

const fs = require('fs');

fs.watchFile('./test.txt', { interval: 100 }, (curr, prev) => {
 console.log(' The current last modification time is : ' + curr.mtime);
 console.log(' The last modification time before is : ' + prev.mtime);

const tid = setInterval(() => {
 fs.appendFile('./test.txt', 'Hello, world!\n', err => {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log(' File modification completed ');
}, 300);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);

fs. watch () and fs. watchFile ()

Because fs. watchFile () uses rotation to detect file changes, if you do not set the interval Or if you set a higher value, you will find that there is a delay in monitoring file changes
While fs. watch () listens for events provided by the operating system and can monitor directory changes, using fs. watch () is more efficient than fs. watchFile (). Generally, fs. watch () should be used instead of fs. watchFile () as much as possible

Of course, fs. watch () depends on the implementation of the operating system and will behave differently on different platforms

The Linux operating system uses inotify Using FSEvents in macOS system Using ReadDirectoryChangesW in windows system


fs.unwatchFile(filename[, listener]) Stop monitoring filename changes. If listener is specified, only this specific listener is removed. Otherwise, all listeners are removed, thus stopping monitoring filename


Community choice

fs. watchFile () performance problem, fs. watch () platform is not 1, and so on two methods have unsatisfactory place

Node.js rename0 :

MacOS sometimes does not provide filename
Modification events are not triggered in some scenarios (MacOS Sublime)
Often modify once and trigger twice
Most file changes eventType are rename.
No simple way to monitor file trees is provided

Node.js fs.watchFile :

Event handling issues and fs. watch 1
No nested listening
CPU consumes a lot

Daily monitoring of file changes can choose excellent solutions in the community

node-watch chokidar

const chokidar = require('chokidar');
// One-liner for current directory'.').on('all', (event, path) => {
 console.log(event, path);

// Initialize watcher.
const watcher ='file, dir, glob, or array', {
 ignored: /(^|[\/\\])\../, // ignore dotfiles
 persistent: true
// Something to use when events are received.
const log = console.log.bind(console);
// Add event listeners.
 .on('add', path => log(`File ${path} has been added`))
 .on('change', path => log(`File ${path} has been changed`))
 .on('unlink', path => log(`File ${path} has been removed`));
// More possible events.
 .on('addDir', path => log(`Directory ${path} has been added`))
 .on('unlinkDir', path => log(`Directory ${path} has been removed`))
 .on('error', error => log(`Watcher error: ${error}`))
 .on('ready', () => log('Initial scan complete. Ready for changes'))
 .on('raw', (event, path, details) => { // internal
  log('Raw event info:', event, path, details);

These are the details of how node. js monitors file changes. For more information about node. js monitoring files, please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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