Method Example of vue Dynamic Setup Page title

  • 2021-08-09 06:43:51
  • OfStack

This paper mainly introduces the method of dynamically modifying title by Vue. Friends who need it can refer to it. The method is as follows:

1. Modify through custom instructions (single modification is better)

//1. In main.js  Add custom instructions to the page 
Vue.directive('title', {// Single Modified Title 
 inserted: function (el, binding) {
 document.title = el.dataset.title
//2. Add to the page that needs to be modified v-title  Instruction 
<div v-title data-title=" I am the new title "></div>.

2. Use the plug-ins vue-wechat-title

//1. Install plug-ins 
npm vue-wechat-title --save
//2. In main.js Introduce plug-ins inside 
import VueWechatTitle from 'vue-wechat-title'// Dynamic modification title
//3. Inside the route   Add title
   routes: [{
   path: '/login',
   component: Login,
   meta: {
    title: ' Login '
  }, {
   path: '/home',
   component: Home,
   meta: {
    title: ' Home page '

//4. In app.vue  Add to   Instruction  v-wechat-title
<router-view v-wechat-title='$route.meta.title' />

3. Modified by router. beforeEach Navigation Guard

//1. In router Adj. index Write your own path and title
const router = new Router({
 routes: [
   path: '/login',
   component: Login,
   meta: {
    title: ' Login ',
   path: '/home',
   component: Home,
   meta: {
    title: ' Home page ',
//2. Use router.beforeEach Traverse the route and set the title
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
 //beforeEach Yes router Before entering the route, execute the hook function of 
 if (to.meta.title) {
  // Determine if there is a title 
  document.title = to.meta.title
 } else {
  document.title = ' Default title'

4. Modify title with vue-mate

The https://github. com/declandewet/vue-meta document explains in more detail how to use vue-meta to modify page header information on the browser side and the server side


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