jQuery realizes page countdown and refresh effect

  • 2021-08-03 08:53:43
  • OfStack

The following 1 code to share the page countdown and refresh effect based on jquery, the code is as follows:

var intDiff = parseInt(600);// Total number of countdown seconds 
    function timer(intDiff){
      var day=0,
        second=0;// Time default     
      if(intDiff > 0){
        day = Math.floor(intDiff / (60 * 60 * 24));
        hour = Math.floor(intDiff / (60 * 60)) - (day * 24);
        minute = Math.floor(intDiff / 60) - (day * 24 * 60) - (hour * 60);
        second = Math.floor(intDiff) - (day * 24 * 60 * 60) - (hour * 60 * 60) - (minute * 60);
      }else{// When time runs out, refresh the page 
      if (minute <= 9) minute = '0' + minute;
      if (second <= 9) second = '0' + second;
      $(".timeShow").html(' There is still data left on this page <font>'+minute+' Points '+second+'</font> Second refresh , Refresh interval time : 10  Minutes ');
      }, 1000);

<span class="timeShow"></span>

Above is the site introduced to you jQuery page countdown and refresh effect, I hope to help you, if you have any questions welcome to leave me a message, this site will reply to you in time!

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