Angular. js Scope scope '@' '=' ''Instance Explanation

  • 2021-07-24 09:58:45
  • OfStack

What is scope

In AngularJS, the scope is an object pointing to the application model, which is the execution environment of the expression. Scope has a hierarchy, which is almost identical to the corresponding DOM. Scope can monitor expressions and pass events.

In the HTML code, once an ng-app instruction is defined, then a scope is generated. The scope generated by ng-app is special, it is a root scope ($rootScope), which is the topmost level of all other $Scope.

Except for ng-app instructions, which can generate one scope, other instructions such as ng-controller, ng-repeat, etc. will generate one or more scopes. In addition, you can create a scope using the factory method for creating scopes provided by AngularJS. Each of these scopes has its own inheritance context, and the root scope is $rootScope.

After generating a scope, when writing AngularJS code, the $scope object represents the data entity of this scope. We can define various data types in $scope, and then let HTML access this variable directly in HTML in the form of {{variable name}}.

The following is an example code to introduce the scope scope '@', '=', 'of angular. js & '

<!doctype html> 
<html ng-app='myApp'> 
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-controller="listCtrl" ng-app="myApp"> 
          <input type="text" ng-model="color"> 
          <!-- <span kid hd-color="color"></span> --> <!--@ Is a single data binding, hd-color="{{color}}" Scope isolation, in view In the template " {{}} The form of "; = Two-way binding, hd-color="color", In view Appears directly in the form of attributes in -->
          <div kid color="callback()"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
          var myApp=angular.module('myApp',[]); 
                      return 'a web developer !';
                return { 
                      //template:'<div style="color:{{color}}">@ Learning of symbols </div>' , 
                      scope:{ /*color:"=hdColor"*//* "@hdColor" */color:'&'} // Pass & Property name to call the function of the controller 

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