Quick Solution to Error Problem of js Digital Calculation

  • 2021-07-24 09:50:03
  • OfStack

Examples are as follows:

// Addition function, which is used to get accurate addition results  

// Description: javascript There will be errors in the addition results of two floating-point numbers, which will be obvious when two floating-point numbers are added. This function returns a more accurate addition result.  

// Call: accAdd(arg1,arg2) 

// Return value: arg1 Plus arg2 Accurate results of  

function add(a,b){ 
	var c, d, e;
  try {
    c = a.toString().split(".")[1].length;
  } catch (f) {
    c = 0;
  try {
    d = b.toString().split(".")[1].length;
  } catch (f) {
    d = 0;
  return e = Math.pow(10, Math.max(c, d)), (mul(a, e) + mul(b, e)) / e;

	// Multiplication function, which is used to get accurate multiplication results  
	// Description: javascript There will be errors in the multiplication results of two floating-point numbers, which will be obvious when two floating-point numbers are multiplied. This function returns a more accurate multiplication result.  
	// Call: accMul(arg1,arg2) 
	// Return value: arg1 Multiply by arg2 Accurate results of  
function mul(a, b) {
  var c = 0,
    d = a.toString(),
    e = b.toString();
  try {
    c += d.split(".")[1].length;
  } catch (f) {}
  try {
    c += e.split(".")[1].length;
  } catch (f) {}
  return Number(d.replace(".", "")) * Number(e.replace(".", "")) / Math.pow(10, c);
	// Subtraction function, which is used to obtain accurate subtraction results  

	// Description: javascript There will be errors in the subtraction results of, which will be obvious when two floating-point numbers are added. This function returns more accurate subtraction results.  

	// Call: accSubtr(arg1,arg2) 

	// Return value: arg1 Subtract arg2 Accurate results of  

	function sub(a,b){
		var c, d, e;
	  try {
	    c = a.toString().split(".")[1].length;
	  } catch (f) {
	    c = 0;
	  try {
	    d = b.toString().split(".")[1].length;
	  } catch (f) {
	    d = 0;
	  return e = Math.pow(10, Math.max(c, d)), (mul(a, e) - mul(b, e)) / e;

	// Division function, which is used to get accurate division results  

	// Description: javascript There will be errors in the division results of two floating-point numbers, which will be obvious when dividing two floating-point numbers. This function returns a more accurate division result.  

	// Call: accDiv(arg1,arg2) 

	// Return value: arg1 Divide by arg2 Accurate results of  

	function div(a, b) {
	  var c, d, e = 0,
	    f = 0;
	  try {
	    e = a.toString().split(".")[1].length;
	  } catch (g) {}
	  try {
	    f = b.toString().split(".")[1].length;
	  } catch (g) {}
	  return c = Number(a.toString().replace(".", "")), d = Number(b.toString().replace(".", "")), mul(c / d, Math.pow(10, f - e));

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