Angular. js Custom Instruction Learning Note Example

  • 2021-07-24 09:18:41
  • OfStack

This article will share with you the code explanation of the custom instruction example of angular. js study notes. The specific code is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="angularJS" >
<!-- <div class="self-direct">{{title}}<input type="text" ng-model='title'></div> -->
<!-- <input type="text" ng-model="color">
<self-direct color='{{color}}'></self-direct>
<self-direct m-color='{{color}}'></self-direct> -->
<!-- <input type="text" ng-model="color">
<self-direct color='color'></self-direct> If bidirectional binding is used, the attribute value in the instruction is a variable by default, so there is no need to add {{}}
<self-direct m-color='color'></self-direct> -->
<!-- <self-direct logo='logo()'></self-direct> -->
<!-- <self-direct ></self-direct> -->
<!-- <self-direct ></self-direct> -->
<self-direct title="JinDong" bgcolor="red" fontcolor="#fff"></self-direct>
<script type="text/javascript">
/*Angular.js Format of custom instructions and related parameters and their values: 
let m=angular.module('angularJS',[]);
m.directive('selfDirect',[function(){//selfDirect Represents the name of the custom instruction, using hump nomenclature, when restrict The value of is E At the time of :<self-direct></self-direct>
return {
restrict:'A/E/C',//A:Attrabute,E:Elements,C:class;restrict Property represents how the build instruction is represented in the page , Letters must be capitalized, not recommended C , because C The writing of and CSS Coupling is too strong .
template:'<p>template Option indicates what the directive displays on the page ,template The value of can be either a string or a HTML Can also be a function, such as: template:function(elle,attr){return '<span style="'color:'+attr['color']+'">'+ele.html()+'</span>'},view It is not recommended to use the form of function when there is too much content </p>',
replace:true,// Replace parent tags containing template content with template content 
transclude:true,// Its contents are populated into the ng-transclude The specified location 
templateUrl:'',// Unreachable template Simultaneous use 
scope:true,// Default to false Sets the scope of the directive with a value of {} Variables in the template do not inherit property values from the controller, 
controller:['$scope',function($scope){${...}}],// Controller in instruction 
link:function(scope,elem,attr){},// Use link Complete the pair DOM Operation of ,scope: Scope of instruction ,elem: Instruction tag element ,attr: Attribute array of instruction tag element ,
var m=angular.module('angularJS',[]);
m.directive('selfDirect', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
//template:'<h1><span ng-transclude=""></span>This is a Angular.js direction of self definition</h1><div ng-transclude=""></div>',
//template:'{{title}}<input type="text" ng-model="title">', 
//template:'<p style="color:{{color}}">suNing store</p><input ng-model="color">',
//scope:{color:'@mColor'},// Controller and instruction isolation scope @ Single text binding, the controller can affect the data in the instruction, but the instruction cannot affect the data in the controller 
//scope:{color:'=mColor'},// Controller and instruction isolation scope = Bi-directional text binding, the controller can affect the data in the instruction, and the instruction can also affect the data
//scope:{logo:'&'},// Use & Symbol calls the method in the parent controller 
$scope.title='SuNing store';
return 'TianMao store';

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