jQuery Events and Animation Fundamentals

  • 2021-07-22 09:00:07
  • OfStack

Today we will talk about jquery events and simple animation, they are after all the foundation of advanced gorgeous fundamental! !

1. Events

1. window event

ready Ready

2. Mouse events

Method execution timing

click (fn) Click the mouse


mouseover (fn) When the mouse pointer moves

mouseout (fn) When the mouse pointer moves out

 $("#nav .navsBox ul li").mouseover(function(){
  $(this).addClass("onbg"); // Add a class style to this element .onbg
  $(this).removeClass("onbg");// Remove the class style for this element .onbg



3. Keyboard events

When keydown () presses the keyboard

When keyup () releases the key

When keypress () produces printable characters

  alert(" Confirm to submit? ? ? ");

4. Form Events

focus () Gets Focus

blur () loses focus


Bind Events and Remove Events

bind (type, [data], fn) (binding)

type mainly includes basic events such as blur, focus, click and mouseout. In addition, it can also be a user-defined event

[data] Additional data object passed to event object as event. data property value, this parameter is not required

fn is used to bind handler functions

unbind ([type], [fn]) (removed)

type mainly includes blur, focus, click, mouseout and other basic events. In addition, you can customize events

Handler for fn to unbind


2. Animation

1. Control elements show and hide $(selector). show ([speed], [callback])


speed: Optional. Specifies the speed at which elements go from hidden (visible) to visible (invisible)

callback: Optional. The function to execute after the show function is finished


2. Change the transparency of the element

  $("img").fadeOut(100); // Shallow out 
  //$("img").fadeIn(100);  Fade in 

3. Change the height of the element

 // $(".txt").slideup();

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