Partial Extension of Math Object in ES6

  • 2021-07-22 08:49:57
  • OfStack

1. Math. trunc ()

This method is used to take out the decimal part of 1 decimal and return the integer part. Look at the example:

Math.trunc(1.234);  //1
Math.trunc(-2.34141);  //-2
Math.trunc(3.9);  //3
// For non-numeric values, Math.trunc Will be used internally Number Convert it to a numeric value 
Math.trunc("12.87656");  //12
// For null values and values that cannot truncate integers, return NaN
Math.trunc("a");  //NaN
Math.trunc();  //NaN
Math.trunc(NaN);  //NaN

2. Math. sign ()

This method is used to judge whether a number is positive, negative or 0. There are 5 return values. Look at the following example:

Math.sign(23.235);  //1
Math.sign(25);  //1
Math.sign(0);  //0
Math.sign(0.0);  //0
Math.sign(-0.0);  //-0
Math.sign(-0);  //-0
Math.sign(-2);  //-1
Math.sign(-2.983958);  //-1
Math.sign('a');  //NaN
Math.sign();  //NaN
Math.sign(NaN);  //NaN

Returns 1 when the parameter is positive;

Returns 0 when the parameter is 0;

Returns-0 when the parameter is-0;

Returns-1 when the parameter is negative;

NaN is returned when the parameter is another value.

3. Math. cbrt ()

This method is used to calculate the cube root of a number, which is equivalent to Math. pow (n, 1/3) method.

Math.cbrt(8);  //2
Math.cbrt(-64);  //-4
// For non-numeric values, this method also uses the Number Method to convert it into a numerical value, and then calculate it 
Math.cbrt("125");  //5
Math.cbrt("a");  //NaN

4. Math. hypot ()

This method is used to calculate the square root of the sum of squares of all parameters.

Math.hypot(3,4);   //5
Math.hypot(1,2,3);  //3.741657386773941
Math.hypot(-5);  //5
Math.hypot();  //0
Math.hypot(NaN);  //NaN
Math.hypot("a");  //NaN
Math.hypot(3,'4');  //5
Math.hypot(3,'a');  //NaN

The above methods can greatly simplify the code, which is very convenient.

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