js Slide to the bottom of the page to automatically load more functions

  • 2021-07-21 06:55:15
  • OfStack

Without saying much, please look at the code:

// Scroll bar to the bottom of the page to load more cases  
 var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();    // Height of scroll bar from top 
 var scrollHeight = $(document).height();   // Total height of the current page 
 var clientHeight = $(this).height();    // Current Visual Page Height 
 // console.log("top:"+scrollTop+",doc:"+scrollHeight+",client:"+clientHeight);
 if(scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight){   // Distance to the top + Current height  >= Total height of document   That means sliding to the bottom  count++;         // Every slide count Plus 1
 filterData(serviceTypeId,industryId,cityId,count); // Invoke the filter method, count Is the current number of pages 
 }else if(scrollTop<=0){ 
 // The height of the scroll bar from the top is less than or equal to 0 TODO
 //alert(" Drop-down refresh, what method do you want to call here? ");

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