Realization of Simple Artificial Intelligence Chat Room Based on jQuery

  • 2021-07-18 07:08:30
  • OfStack

It took two hours to toss out, and the head of jQuery artificial intelligence chat room is like this:

Main functions:

1. Chatting, of course ~ Click the plane button or Enter to send a message to the panel.
2. Enter specific content, and the system will give you a corresponding reply (here I only set Hello, How, are, you and automatic reply of inquiry time).
3. Click the cross to clear all chat records on the panel.
4. When asking the time, according to the current time, you will be given different replies. For example, it is 22-23 o'clock, and the system will reply to you "good night".
5. As the chat progresses, the scroll bar on the right side of the chat panel will remain at the bottom.


<div class="chat-box"> 
<form class="form-inline chat-form"> 
 <input type="text" class="form-control chat-message" placeholder="Say Something"> 
 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary chat-send" title="Send Message"> 
 <i class="fa fa-paper-plane" aria-hidden="true"> 
 <button type="reset" class="btn btn-success chat-reset" title="Reset Message"> 
 <i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"> 
 <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger chat-clear" title="Clear the Chat Box"> 
 <i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"> 
 Designed By 
 <a href="" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"> 
 Alen Hu 

* The Bootstrap3 framework is used.


$(document).ready(function() { 
 //send the message by click 
 //press enter to send 
 $("form").keypress(function(event) { 
  if (event.keyCode === 13) { 
 //clear the chat box 
//send message to chat box 
function sendMsg() { 
 var msg = $(".chat-message"); 
 var msgVal = msg.val(); 
 var chatBox = $(".chat-box"); 
 if (msgVal) { 
  var msgAppend = "<p><span id='you'>You: </span>" + msgVal + "</p><hr class='you-hr'>"; 
 } else {} 
 //dialog reply 
 //empty input 
 //keep the scroll in bottom 
//set up the AI dialog 
function dialog(msg){ 
 var replyArr = ["Hi, how's it going :)","I'm good, thx, U? :)"]; 
 msg = msg.toLowerCase(); 
 var time = new Date(); 
 var hour = time.getHours(); 
 var minute = time.getMinutes(); 
 var currentTime = plusZero(hour) + ":" + plusZero(minute); 
 var chatBox = $(".chat-box"); 
 if(msg.indexOf("hello") != -1){ 
  chatBox.append("<p><span id='ai'>AI: </span>" + replyArr[0] + "</p><hr class='ai-hr'>"); 
 else if(msg.indexOf("how are you") != -1 || msg.indexOf("how are u") != -1){ 
  chatBox.append("<p><span id='ai'>AI: </span>" + replyArr[1] + "</p><hr class='ai-hr'>"); 
 else if(msg.indexOf("time") != -1){ 
  chatBox.append("<p><span id='ai'>AI: </span>Current Time: " + currentTime + ". " + timeGreeting(hour) + "~ :)</p><hr class='ai-hr'>"); 
 else {} 
//add 0 if time number is <10 
function plusZero(x){ 
 if(x < 10){ 
  x = "0" + x; 
 else { 
  x = x; 
 return x; 
//greeting by hour 
function timeGreeting(h){ 
 var greeting = ["U need to sleep","Good morning","Lunch time now","Feel asleep? Have some coffee","Free time~Yeah","Good night"]; 
  return greeting[0]; 
 else if(h>=7&&h<=10){ 
  return greeting[1]; 
 else if(h>=11&&h<=13){ 
  return greeting[2]; 
 else if(h>=14&&h<=18){ 
  return greeting[3]; 
 else if(h>=19&&h<=21){ 
  return greeting[4]; 
 else if(h>=22&&h<=23){ 
  return greeting[5]; 
 else { 
  return ""; 
//clear the chat box 
function clearChatBox() { 

DEMO here, welcome to FORK: AI Chat Box.

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