Implementation code of BootStrap Datetimepicker Chinese

  • 2021-07-18 07:07:49
  • OfStack

Page reference:

      'applyClass' : 'btn-sm btn-success',
      'cancelClass' : 'btn-sm btn-default',
      locale: Config.daterangepicker_locale.zh_CN

Sinicization of daterangepicker

   * daterangepicker locale
  daterangepicker_locale: {
    zh_CN: {
      applyLabel: ' Determine ',
      cancelLabel: ' Cancel ',
      daysOfWeek: [" Day ","1","2","3","4","5","6"],
      monthNames: ["1 Month ","2 Month ","3 Month ","4 Month ","5 Month ","6 Month ","7 Month ","8 Month ","9 Month ","10 Month ","101 Month ","102 Month "]

Sinicization of datetimepicker

   * daterangepicker locale
  daterangepicker_locale: {
    zh_CN: {
      days: [" Sunday ", " Week 1", " Week 2", " Week 3", " Week 4", " Week 5", " Week 6", " Sunday "],
      daysShort: [" Sunday ", " Week 1", " Week 2", " Week 3", " Week 4", " Week 5", " Week 6", " Sunday "],
      daysMin: [" Day ", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", " Day "],
      months: ["1 Month ", "2 Month ", "3 Month ", "4 Month ", "5 Month ", "6 Month ", "7 Month ", "8 Month ", "9 Month ", "10 Month ", "101 Month ", "102 Month "],
      monthsShort: ["1 Month ", "2 Month ", "3 Month ", "4 Month ", "5 Month ", "6 Month ", "7 Month ", "8 Month ", "9 Month ", "10 Month ", "101 Month ", "102 Month "],
      today: " Today ",
      suffix: [],
      meridiem: [" Morning ", " Afternoon "]

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