How to use jquery scroll bar plug in slimScroll

  • 2021-07-18 06:35:57
  • OfStack

This article summarizes the use of scroll bar plug-in slimScroll for your reference, the specific contents are as follows

Download address of simScroll plug-in project:


1. slimScroll depends on JQ when it is used, so it is necessary to introduce JQ and then introduce simScroll plug-in when it is used for the first time
2. Recall the plug-in when resize is not supported, but someone has modified the source code. This is the download address of the modified version:

resize recalls the added code part of the plug-in:

function setScroll(){
  height: boxHeight,
  alwaysVisible: true,



Call of plug-in and parameter setting:

$(function() {
  width: 'auto', // Width of scrollable area 
  height: '100%', // Height of scrollable area 
  size: '10px', // Component width 
  color: '#000', // Scroll bar color 
  position: 'right', // Component location: left/right
  distance: '0px', // Distance between component and side 
  start: 'top', // Default scroll position: top/bottom
  opacity: .4, // Scroll bar transparency 
  alwaysVisible: true, // Whether or not   Always show components 
  disableFadeOut: false, // Whether or not   Show components when the mouse passes through the scrollable area and hide components when the mouse leaves 
  railVisible: true, // Whether or not   Show track 
  railColor: '#333', // Track color 
  railOpacity: .2, // Track transparency 
  railDraggable: true, // Whether or not   The scroll bar can be dragged 
  railClass: 'slimScrollRail', // Orbit div Class name  
  barClass: 'slimScrollBar', // Scroll bar div Class name 
  wrapperClass: 'slimScrollDiv', // Outsourcing div Class name 
  allowPageScroll: true, // Whether or not   Use the roller to reach the top / Bottom, scroll the window 
  wheelStep: 20, // Rolling quantity of roller 
  touchScrollStep: 200, // Scroll when the user uses gestures 
  borderRadius: '7px', // Scroll bar fillet 
  railBorderRadius: '7px' // Track fillet 

slimScroll Event--Triggers when the scroll bar reaches the top or bottom of the parent container:

$(selector).slimScroll().bind('slimscroll', function(e, pos){
 console.log("Reached " + pos");

Full example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <title>slimScroll Examples of plug-in use </title>
 <div class="superDiv"> 
  <div id="innerDiv"> 
 <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
 <script src="jquery.slimscroll.js"></script>
    height: '250px' 
   $('#innerDiv').slimScroll().bind('slimscroll', function(e, pos){ 
     //  Execute additional logic 

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