Js jquery picture animation dynamic switching sample code

  • 2020-03-30 03:11:48
  • OfStack

<style type="text/css"> 
padding: 5px; 
position: relative; 
width: 968px; 
height: 293px;  
overflow: hidden; 
font-size: 16px; 
#banner_list img 
border: 0px; 
margin-bottom: 5px; 
position: absolute; 
bottom: 0; 
background-color: #000; 
height: 30px; 
filter: Alpha(Opacity=30); 
opacity: 0.3; 
z-index: 1000; 
cursor: pointer; 
width: 968px; 
position: absolute; 
bottom: 4px; 
left: 0px; 
height: 22px; 
color: #fff; 
z-index: 1001; 
cursor: pointer; 
position: absolute; 
width: 120px; 
z-index: 1002; 
right: 3px; 
bottom: 3px; 
#banner ul 
position: absolute; 
list-style-type: none; 
filter: Alpha(Opacity=80); 
opacity: 0.8; 
z-index: 1002; 
margin: 0; 
padding: 0; 
bottom: 10px; 
right: 5px; 
height: 20px; 
#banner ul li 
padding: 0 8px; 
line-height: 18px; 
float: left; 
display: block; 
color: #FFF; 
border: #e5eaff 1px solid; 
background-color: #6f4f67; 
cursor: pointer; 
margin: 0; 
font-size: 16px; 
#banner_list a 
width: 968px; 
height: 293px; 
margin: 0px; 
padding: 0px; 
margin: 0px; 
padding: 0px; 
width: 968px; 
height: 293px; 
border: #e7e7e7 1px solid; 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var t = n = 0, count; 
$(function () { 
count = $("#banner_list a").length; 
$("#banner_list a:not(:first-child)").hide(); 
$("#banner_info").html($("#banner_list a:first-child").find("img").attr('alt')); 
$("#banner_info").click(function () { window.open($("#banner_list a:first-child").attr('href'), "_blank") }); 
$("#banner li").click(function () { 
var i = $(this).text() - 1; //Gets the value within the Li element, 1,2,3,4
n = i; 
if (i >= count) return; 
$("#banner_info").html($("#banner_list a").eq(i).find("img").attr('alt')); 
$("#banner_info").unbind().click(function () { window.open($("#banner_list a").eq(i).attr('href'), "_blank") }) 
$("#banner_list a").filter(":visible").fadeOut(500).parent().children().eq(i).fadeIn(1000); 
$(this).css({ "background": "#be2424", 'color': '#000' }).siblings().css({ "background": "#6f4f67", 'color': '#fff' }); 
t = setInterval("showAuto()", 4000); 
$("#banner").hover(function () { clearInterval(t) }, function () { t = setInterval("showAuto()", 4000); });//4 seconds to switch a picture});
function showAuto() { 
n = n >= (count - 1) ? 0 : ++n; 
$("#banner li").eq(n).trigger('click'); 

<div id="banner"> 
<div id="banner_bg"> 
<!-- Header background --> 
<div id="banner_info"> 
<!-- The title --> 
<div id="banner_list"> 
<a href='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgoneURL"]:""%>' target="_blank"> 
<img src='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgone"]:"Images/Singapore.jpg"%>' 
title="" alt="" width="968px" height="293px" border="0" /></a> <a href='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgtowURL"]:""%>' 
<img src='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgtow"]:"Images/Malaysia.jpg"%>' 
title="" alt="" width="968px" height="293px" border="0" /></a> <a href='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgthreeURL"]:""%>' 
<img src='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgthree"]:"Images/HongKong.jpg"%>' 
title="" alt="" width="968px" height="293px" border="0" /></a> 
<a href='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgfourURL"]:""%>' target="_blank"> 
<img src='<%:DicFlashImg!=null?DicFlashImg["PFI_FlashImgfour"]:"Images/flash4.jpg"%>' 
title="" alt="" width="968px" height="293px" border="0" /></a> 

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