ztree in jQuery click text box pop up drop down example code

  • 2021-07-16 01:26:15
  • OfStack

No more nonsense, the specific code is as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/res/js/ztree/css/demo.css" type="text/css"/> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/res/js/ztree/css/zTreeStyle/zTreeStyle.css" type="text/css"/> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/res/js/ztree/js/jquery.ztree.core-3.5.js"></script> 

<input onclick="showMenu();return false;"/> 

var setting = { 
  view: { 
    dblClickExpand: false 
  data: { 
    simpleData: { 
      enable: true 
  callback: { 
    onClick: onClick 
function onClick(e, treeId, treeNode) { 
  var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo"), 
  nodes = zTree.getSelectedNodes(); 
  menuName = ""; 
  menuId = ""; 
  nodes.sort(function compare(a,b){return a.id-b.id;});   
  var isParent = nodes[0].getParentNode(); 
  var isChildren = nodes[0].children;    
  if((!isParent && !isChildren) || (isParent)){ 
    for (var i=0, l=nodes.length; i<l; i++) { 
      menuName += nodes[i].name + ","; 
      menuId += nodes[i].id + ",";  
    if (menuName.length > 0 ) menuName = menuName.substring(0, menuName.length-1); 
    if (menuId.length > 0 ) menuId = menuId.substring(0, menuId.length-1);      
function showMenu() { 
  var cityObj = $("#menuName"); 
  var cityOffset = $("#menuName").offset(); 
  $("#menuContent").css({left:cityOffset.left + "px", top:cityOffset.top + cityObj.outerHeight() + "px"}).slideDown("fast")
 $("body").bind("mousedown", onBodyDown);  
  var width = cityObj.css("width"); 
function hideMenu() { 
  $("body").unbind("mousedown", onBodyDown); 
function onBodyDown(event) { 
 if (!(event.target.id == "menuContent" || $(event.target).parents("#menuContent").length>0)) { 
  $.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes); 

The above is the site to introduce the jQuery ztree text box pop-up box example code, I hope to help you, if you have any questions welcome to give me a message, this site will reply to you in time!

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