Common methods of bootstrap table (time control export dynamic drop down box form validation check and get information) code sharing

  • 2021-07-15 03:42:53
  • OfStack

1. bootstrap-table Click single line to select

$('#gzrwTable').on('', function(e, row, $element) {
$('.success').removeClass('success');//  Before clearance 1 The selected status of the selected row in the next operation 
$($element).addClass('success');//  Select the row to add the selected status 

2. bootstrap-table to get selected row information

function getSelectedRow() {
var index = $('#gzrwTable').find('tr.success').data('index');
return $('#gzrwTable').bootstrapTable('getData')[index];

3. The time control fills in the default current time information

var date = new Date();
var mon = date.getMonth() + 1;
var day = date.getDate();
var nowDay = date.getFullYear() + "-"
+ (mon < 10 ? "0" + mon : mon) + "-"
+ (day < 10 ? "0" + day : day);

4. bootstrap-table Verify form information based on name value

function checkForm(formId) {
message : 'This value is not valid',
feedbackIcons : {
valid : 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
invalid : 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',
validating : 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'
fields : {
task : {
group : '.col-sm-10',//  Corresponding foreground input Adj. class Occupied width 
validators : {
notEmpty : {
message : ' Please fill in the task content! '
tel : {
group : '.col-sm-4',//  Corresponding foreground input Adj. class Occupied width 
validators : {
notEmpty : {
message : ' Please fill in the telephone number! '
phone : {
country : "CN",
message : ' Phone number format error '
area : {
group : '.col-sm-4',//  Corresponding foreground input Adj. class Occupied width 
validators : {
numeric : {
message : ' Please fill in the numbers! '
endtime : {
group : '.col-sm-4',//  Corresponding foreground input Adj. class Occupied width 
validators : {
notEmpty : {
message : ' Please select the deadline! '
//  Get form validation data 
var bootstrapValidator = $("#addTaskForm").data('bootstrapValidator');
//  Validation form 
//  Judge whether all verifications pass   To pass re-validation, pass the execution of the ajax
if (!bootstrapValidator.isValid()) {

5. Dynamically load the contents of the drop-down box. Multiple choices and single choices are all 1 sample

function setUser() {
$("#receiver")[0].options.length = 0;
type : 'POST',
url : $.el.Register.AppUrl + "gzrw/selectUser",
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data) {
$("#receiver")[0].options.add(new Option(' Please select ', ''));
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$("#receiver")[0].options.add(new Option(data[i].name,
//  Drop-down box content refresh 
error : function(e) {

6. Export Events

$("#btnExport").click(function() {
var tableNum = $("#sgnqTable thead tr th").length;
type : 'excel', // 'csv', 'txt', 'sql', 'json', 'xml', 'excel',
// 'doc', 'png' or 'pdf'
fileName : ' Table name ',
escape : 'false',
ignoreColumn : [ tableNum - 1, tableNum - 4 ],//  Columns not exported 

Let's share the time processing of uploading the whole form of bootstrapt-table with you

In js, use $('# addUserForm'). serialize (),//Get all the data in the form and send it to the foreground (controller)

$.ajax({ type : "POST",

url : $.el.Register.AppUrl + "path",

data: $('# addUserForm'). serialize (),//Get all the data in the form

dataType : 'json',

async : false,

success : function(msg) { },

error : function(error) { } });

At this time, if there is a time type in the form, the time type of the foreground (entity) cannot be received because all the time types passed are string types


(1) You can add @ DateTimeFormat to the field in the entity entity (pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")

(2) In controller, use an String to connect this variable (it can't be the same as the field name) and convert it into a time type and reuse it

public String addTask(User user (Entity Object) ,
String dateStr (Used for connection time) ) 
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); 
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); 
Date date = sdf.parse(dateStr,pos); 
gzrw.setEndtime(date);// Adding time to an entity  


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