Encapsulates a Javascript event listener that supports anonymous functions

  • 2020-03-30 03:10:43
  • OfStack

Main code:

var handleHash = {};
var bind = (function() {
 if (window.addEventListener) {
  return function(el, type, fn, capture) {
   el.addEventListener(type, function(){
    handleHash[type] = handleHash[type] || [];
   }, capture);
 } else if (window.attachEvent) {
  return function(el, type, fn, capture) {
   el.attachEvent("on" + type, function(){
    handleHash[type] = handleHash[type] || [];
var unbind = (function(){
 if (window.addEventListener) {
  return function(el, type ) {
    var i = 0, len = handleHash[type].length;
    for (i; i<len ; i += 1){
     el.removeEventListener(type, handleHash[type][i]);
 } else if (window.attachEvent) {
  return function(el, type) {
    var i = 0, len = handleHash[type].length;
    for (i; i<len ; i += 1){
     el.detachEvent("on" + type, handleHash[type][i]);

Principle analysis:

HandleHash [' event name '] is an array to add multiple event listening methods, unbind which event when traversing the handleHash[' event name '] array, and then remove.


 alert ('click');

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