Example of paging functionality implemented by jQuery

  • 2021-07-13 04:08:21
  • OfStack

In this paper, an example is given to describe the paging function realized by jQuery. Share it for your reference, as follows:

1. HTML code of paging column

<div class="g-cf g-pagerwp">
  <div style="visibility:hidden" class="g-pager">

2. CSS style file

.g-cf:after {clear: both;content: "";display: table;}
.g-cf {zoom:1;}
/* Paging */
.g-pager{ text-align:center; color: #111111; font: 12px/1.5em Arial,Tahoma; float: right;}
.g-pager a,.g-pager input{ cursor:pointer; border:solid 1px #0F71BE; padding:1px 4px; color:#0F71BE; margin:0 2px; vertical-align:middle; }
.g-pager a.cur,.g-pager a:hover{ background-color:#0F71BE; color:#fff}
.g-pager a.no{ border-color:#A3A3A3; color:#A3A3A3; background-color:#E4F2F9}
.g-pager span{ margin-right:10px; }
.g-pager input{ cursor:default; width:28px; padding:1px 2px; }
.g-pagerwp{ height:23px; line-height:23px;padding:5px; margin-bottom:10px; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;}
.g-pagerwp .g-btn{ vertical-align:top}

3. JS script file

① Reference to JQuery and paging scripts

<script src="/js/common/jquery-1.6.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.PageBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

② Write jquery. PageBar. js scripts

//JQuery Paging column 
$.fn.pageBar = function(options) {
  var configs = {
    PageIndex: 1,
    PageSize: 15,
    TotalPage: 0,
    RecordCount: 0,
    showPageCount: 4,
    onPageClick: function(pageIndex) {
      return false;  // Default page turning event 
  $.extend(configs, options);
  var tmp = "",
  i = 0,
  j = 0,
  a = 0,
  b = 0,
  totalpage = parseInt(configs.RecordCount / configs.PageSize);
  totalpage = configs.RecordCount % configs.PageSize > 0 ? totalpage + 1 : totalpage;
  tmp += "<span> Total number of records: " + configs.RecordCount + "</span > ";
  tmp += " <span> Pages: " + totalpage + "</span>";
  if (configs.PageIndex > 1) {
    tmp += "<a><</a>"
  } else {
    tmp += "<a class=\"no\"><</a>"
  tmp += "<a>1</a>";
  if (totalpage > configs.showPageCount + 1) {
    if (configs.PageIndex <= configs.showPageCount) {
      i = 2;
      j = i + configs.showPageCount;
      a = 1;
    } else if (configs.PageIndex > totalpage - configs.showPageCount) {
      i = totalpage - configs.showPageCount;
      j = totalpage;
      b = 1;
    } else {
      var k = parseInt((configs.showPageCount - 1) / 2);
      i = configs.PageIndex - k;
      j = configs.PageIndex + k + 1;
      a = 1;
      b = 1;
      if ((configs.showPageCount - 1) % 2) {
        i -= 1
  else {
    i = 2;
    j = totalpage;
  if (b) {
    tmp += "..."
  for (; i < j; i++) {
    tmp += "<a>" + i + "</a>"
  if (a) {
    tmp += " ... "
  if (totalpage > 1) {
    tmp += "<a>" + totalpage + "</a>"
  if (configs.PageIndex < totalpage) {
    tmp += "<a>></a>"
  } else {
    tmp += "<a class=\"no\">></a>"
  tmp += "<input type=\"text\" /><a>Go</a>"
  var pager = this.html(tmp)
  var index = pager.children('input')[0]
  pager.children('a').click(function() {
    var cls = $(this).attr('class');
    if (this.innerHTML == '<') {
      if (cls != 'no') {
        configs.onPageClick(configs.PageIndex - 2)
    } else if (this.innerHTML == '>') {
      if (cls != 'no') {
    } else if (this.innerHTML == 'Go') {
      if (!isNaN(index.value)) {
        var indexvalue = parseInt(index.value);
        indexvalue = indexvalue < 1 ? 1 : indexvalue
        indexvalue = indexvalue > totalpage ? totalpage : indexvalue
        configs.onPageClick(indexvalue - 1)
    } else {
      if (cls != 'cur') {
        configs.onPageClick(parseInt(this.innerHTML) - 1)
  }).each(function() {
    if (configs.PageIndex == parseInt(this.innerHTML)) {

③ Initialization use

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Setting paging information 
  var pageOptions = {
    AllowPaging: true,
    PageIndex: 1,    // Set the current page number 
    PageSize: 15,    // Setting Page Size 
    RecordCount: 1092, // Set the total number of data 
    TotalPage: 73,   // Set the total number of pages 
    showPageCount: 4,
    onPageClick: function(pageIndex) {
    alert(" You clicked on the " + parseInt(pageIndex + 1) + " Page ");  // Customize your page turning events 
      return false;
  // Initialize the paging bar 
  $('.g-pagerwp .g-pager').css('visibility', 'visible').pageBar(pageOptions);

More readers interested in jQuery can check the topics of this site: "Summary of jQuery Extension Skills", "Summary of jQuery Table (table) Operation Skills", "Summary of jQuery Common Classic Special Effects", "Summary of jquery Selector Usage" and "Summary of jQuery Common Plug-ins and Usage"

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's jQuery programming.

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