JS validation method for HTML page login
- 2020-03-30 03:04:57
- OfStack
Develop an HTML page for registration to collect user registration information. Include: name (cannot be blank), age (must be over 17 years old), weight (30-150kg), class (drop-down list), login password (at least 8 digits long), confirm password (same as login password), Email(cannot be blank), phone, QQ, resume and other information. And for the elements of these tables to create the appropriate validation, if an error is detected, the error is shown in red after the input box. We will use the single-line text input field text, drop-down list field select, password input field password, and multi-line text input field textarea as we learned in the previous sections. This is a more practical user registration form.
Register. HTML:
Check. CSS:
The load. Js:
Register. HTML:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title> The experiment 2</title>
<link href="check.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="load.js">
<!--return validate() and validate() Is whether to clear the form -->
<body onload="load_greeting()">
<form id="test" align="left" onSubmit="return validate()">
<td><input type="text" name="Name" id="name" size="20" onChange='check("name")'></td>
<td id="nameCheck" class="check" hidden="true">* The name cannot be blank </td>
<td><input type="text" name="Age" id="age" size="20" onChange='check("age")'></td>
<td id="ageCheck" class="check" hidden="true">* No less than age 17 At the age of </td>
<tr >
<td><input type="text" name="weight" id="weight" size="20" onChange='check("weight")'></td>
<td id="weightCheck" class="check" hidden="true">* Weight range is 30~150KG</td>
<td><select id="class" name="class">
<td><input type="password" name="Password" id="password" size="20" onChange='check("password")'></td>
<td id="passwordCheck" class="check" hidden="true">*password length less than 8</td>
<td>Confirm Password*:</td>
<td><input type="password" name="cpassword" id="cpassword" size="20" onChange='check("cpassword")'></td>
<td id="cpasswordCheck" class="check" hidden="true">*Two passwd is not same</td>
<tr >
<td><input type="email" name="email" id="email" size="20" onChange='check(this.id)'></td>
<td id="emailCheck" class="check" hidden="true">* Email name illegal! </td>
<td><input type="text" name="TEL" id="TEL" size="20"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="QQ" id="QQ" size="20"></td>
<td>Personal Information:</td>
<td><textarea rows="10" cols="19"></textarea></td>
<td colspan="3">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
<input type="reset" name="reset">
Check. CSS:
The load. Js:
function check(str)
var x = document.getElementById(str);
var y = document.getElementById(str+"Check");
y.hidden = false;
y.hidden = true;
else if(str=="age")
if(isNaN(x.value) || x.value < 17)
y.hidden = false;
y.hidden = true;
else if(str=="weight")
x = x.value;
if(isNaN(x) || x < 30 || x > 150)
y.hidden = false;
y.hidden = true;
else if(str=="password")
x = x.value.length;
if(x < 8)
y.hidden = false;
y.hidden = true;
else if(str=="cpassword")
var z = document.getElementById("password").value;
x = x.value;
if(x != z)
y.hidden = false;
y.hidden = true;
else if(str=="email")
x = x.value.indexOf("@")
if(x == -1)
y.hidden = false;
y.hidden = true;
return y.hidden;
function validate()
var arr=["name", "age", "weight", "password", "cpassword", "email"];
var i = 0;
submitOK = true;
while(i <= 5)
alert(arr[i]+" wrong!");
submitOK = false;
alert(" Submission successful! ");
return true;
alert(" You submit ");
return false;
function load_greeting()
//alert("visit n");