Examples of values and assignments to basic controls in Jquery

  • 2020-03-30 03:03:33
  • OfStack


Var STR = $(" # TXT "). Val ();

$(" # TXT "). Val (Value);

// text box, text area:

$(" # text_id "). Attr (" value ", "); // empty the content

$(" # text_id "). Attr (" value ", "test"); // fill in the content


Var STR = $(" # LBL "). The text ();

$(" # LBL "). The text (Value);

Var valradio = $(" input [@ type = radio] [@ checked] "). The val ();

Var item = $(' input [@ name = items] [@ checked] '). The val ();

Var checkboxval = $(" # checkbox_id "). Attr (" value ");

Var selectval = $(' # select_id). Val ();

// checkbox:

$(" # chk_id "). Attr (" checked ", "); // uncheck it

$(" # chk_id "). Attr (" checked ", true); / / check

If ($("#chk_id").attr('checked')==true)//

Radio group:

$(" input [@ type = radio] "). The attr (" checked ", '2'); // the item with value=2 is the currently selected item

// drop-down select:

$(" # select_id "). Attr (" value ", "test"); // the item that sets value=test is the currently selected item

$("testtest2").appendto ("#select_id")// add options to the drop-down box

$(" # select_id "). The empty (); // empty the drop-down box

Gets the values of a set of selected items of the radio named (items)

Var item = $(' input [@ name = items] [@ checked] '). The val (); // val() = undefined if not selected

Gets the text of the selected item in the select

Var item = $(" select [@ name = items] option [@ selected] "). The text ();

The second element of the select drop-down box is the currently selected value

$(' # select_id) [0]. SelectedIndex = 1;

The second element of the radio radio group is the currently selected value

$(' input [@ name = items] '). The get (1) checked = true;

// reset the form

$(" form "). Each (function () {

The reset ();


Here is the path to set img

$(" # img1 "). Attr (" SRC ", "Imges/test. JPG");

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